• Matéria: Português
  • Autor: debria
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre a relação entre educação superior e empregabilidade. Na sequência, responda ao que se pede.

Degrees matter when hunting for a job

By Kathleen Kingsbury

People with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed.

1 Going to university is no small investment in time and, for most people, money. Given the recent high levels of unemployment worldwide, students leaving high school may think going directly to work makes more financial sense than going to college.

2 But, in times of a global financial crisis, people with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed and have more difficulty landing a job, a review of unemployment data from countries around the globe shows.

3 “We have no reason to assume that this is likely to change any time soon,” said Andreas Schleicher of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

4 Consider the latest unemployment figures from the United States. In May, 7.4 % of high school graduates were unemployed, while just 3.8% of university graduates were without a job, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

5 The value of a university degree, at least when it comes to finding a job, is not unique to the US. The correlation can also be seen around the world, said Daniel Hamermesh, an international labour economist at the University of Texas in Austin.

6 People with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed. However, the benefits of going to university vary from country to country.

7 University education offers Europeans a significant boost. In 2012, the 27 countries in the Euro zone had a total unemployment rate of about 10%. Yet for college graduates, unemployment was about one-third lower, at 6%.

8 As for Brazil, having a tertiary education offered workers a 200% premium in lifetime earnings compared to those who hadn’t finished high school. In Greece, Korea, and Turkey, the premium gap was 70%.

9 “A college degree is always going to lend an advantage”, Hamermesh said.

Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20130607-is-a-degree-crucial-for-a-job. Acesso em: 08 jun. 2013.

Releia a seguinte passagem entre o 2º e o 3º parágrafos do texto:

[…] students leaving high school may think going directly to work makes more financial sense than going to college. But, in times of a global financial crisis, people with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed […].

A partir da leitura desse fragmento, é possível concluir que a interrupção dos estudos:

é a melhor opção para quem busca segurança.

evita despesas em tempos de crise financeira.

está fora dos planos dos alunos universitários.

leva o jovem a conquistar sua independência.

torna a pessoa mais propensa ao desemprego.


respondido por: panka
investimento de tempo e de dinheiro é insignificante nos estudos superiores.imagino que possa ser essa

andreefrancis9: gabarito torna a pessoa mais propensa ao desemprego.
respondido por: jhonytbp98vfl


A opção correta é a: torna a pessoa mais propensa ao desemprego.


resposta corrigida pelo AVA

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