• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Raissa22
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Escreva as sentenças em inglês:

A/ Você sabe fazer arroz e feijão ?

B: - Estiu com fome. - O que você quer no almoço

C/ Ele come um lanche à noite depois da escola

D/ Eu gosto muito de comer torta de maçã de sobremesa

E/ Nós fazemos novos amigos na escola

F/ Quanto açúcar você quer no seu café ?

G/ Eu tenho que comprar uvas, bananas e peras no mercado

H/ Ela consegue cozinhar. Ela cozinha bife e legumes toda semana

I/ Eles não podem beber muito refrigerante

J/ Você consegue entender italiano ?



respondido por: silvamarquesleo
A / Do you know how to make rice and beans?

B/ You were hungry. "What do you want for lunch?"

C / He eats a snack at night after school

D / I really like to eat dessert apple pie

E / We make new friends at school

F / How much sugar do you want in your coffee?

G / I have to buy grapes, bananas and pears in the market

H / She can cook. She cooks steak and vegetables every week.

I / they can not drink much soda

J/Can you understand Italian?
respondido por: karlachs
A/ Do you know how to make beans and rice?

B/ -I'm hungry -What do you want for lunch

C/ He eats a snack in the nighttime after school

D/ I really like eating apple pies for desert

E/ We made new friends at school

F/ How much sugar do you want in your coffee?

G/ I need to buy grapes, bananas and pears at the grocery store

H/ She can cook. She cooks steak and vegetables every week

I/ They can't drink too much soda

J/ Can you understand italian?


karlachs: dessert*
Raissa22: Obrigadaaaaaaa
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