• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: andrademoreira
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Supply the correct tag questions.
a)The manager was talking on his pohne,              ?
b)Charlie likes pop music,         ?
c)We can go out tonight,                   ?
d)The gruffs sent us many postcards,            ?
e)The gardener was cutting the grass,                ?
f)The millers were present yesterday,                   ?
g)His sister is leaving home,                      ?
h)Grandma baked a yesterday,              ?
i)You like strawberry pie,               ?
j)I´m late again,                  ?


respondido por: barbararsa

a)The manager was talking on his pohne, ?
Was the manager talking on his phone?

b)Charlie likes pop music, ?
Does Charlie likes pop music?

c)We can go out tonight, ?
Can we go out tonight?

d)The gruffs sent us many postcards, ?
Did the gruffs send us many postcards?

e)The gardener was cutting the grass, ?
Was the gardener cutting the grass?

f)The millers were present yesterday, ?
Were the millers present yesterday?

g)His sister is leaving home, ?
Is his sister leaving home?

h)Grandma baked a yesterday, ?
Did grandma baked a ___________ yesterday?
(está faltando algo na frase)

i)You like strawberry pie, ?
Do you like strawberry pie?

j)I´m late again, ?
Am I late again?

Espero ter ajudado :)

andrademoreira: obg :)
respondido por: manoelacb
A-) , wand't he? B-) doens't he? C-) can't we? D-) didn't them? E-) wans't he? F-) weren't they? G-) isn't she? H-) didn't she? I-) din't you? J-) aren't I OU am not I (no caso do I voce pode usar os dois tipos)

andrademoreira: muito obrigada <3
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