5ª QUESTÃO Utilizamos a voz passiva (Passive Voice) para enfatizar uma ação em si, ou algo/alguém que sofreu a ação, mais do que o agente da ação. Assim, este não exercerá a função de sujeito de uma oração na voz passiva – o sujeito será aquele que sofreu a ação. Em Língua Inglesa, o verbo to be é utilizado para marcar o tempo verbal de uma oração na voz passiva; depois dele, utiliza-se o verbo principal, no Passado Particípio (Past Participle). O texto a seguir, uma notícia sobre os altos índices de febre amarela no Brasil, apresenta algumas construções na voz passiva. Leia-o e avalie as informações que seguem. Brazil on high alert as yellow fever threatens major cities Health ministry ramps up vaccination campaign but cautions against ‘disinformation’, as disease spreads to areas where it is not normally found Brazil has ramped up an emergency yellow fever vaccination campaign as the worst outbreak in decades spreads towards major population centres, killing dozens of people and decimating wild monkey populations. The uptick comes exactly a year after the Zika virus – another mosquito-borne disease – was declared a global health emergency, and as during the previous epidemic Brazilian authorities are struggling to calibrate an appropriate response. Because there is a vaccine, yellow fever should, in theory, not cause as much of a panic but global vaccine stocks are dwindling, and the disease is far more deadly than Zika. Of the 107 confirmed cases in the state of Minas Gerais, 40 ended in death. Three patients have also died in São Paulo state and one in Espírito Santo. Although the disease has a more than 200-year history in Brazil, concern has picked up steadily in recent months as it moved to areas of the south-east, such as Espírito Santo, where it is not normally found. Doctors have so far reported 568 suspected cases in 51 counties, far more than during the last major outbreak in 2007. As a precaution, the health ministry has expanded production of vaccines and administered 3.3m doses in Minas Gerais, where the outbreak is concentrated. So far, it has been spread by Haemagogus and Sabethes mosquitoes in rural areas. Monkeys have also suffered. More than 400 were found dead in Espírito Santo after farmers reported an unusual silence in the forest. Biologists warn that endangered species, such as the muriqui, could be wiped out as the vaccination only works on humans. Pedro Tauil, an epidemiologist at the University of Brasília, said the latest spread of yellow fever was different from the past both in terms of the number of cases and the range. “Seeing cases in Espírito Santo is new. The reasons for this expansion are still largely unknown,” he said. “The risk we now face is that urban mosquitoes such as the Aedes aegypti could become carriers and then the disease will be transmitted into the cities.” In a letter to the health ministry, doctors, researchers and academics described the possibility of an urban epidemic as “frightening” and warned that it may already be under way. They urged the authorities to expand the vaccination campaign, improve sanitation and enhance monitoring systems. But views are mixed. The health ministry insists there is no need for people in the cities to rush to clinics and hospitals for a shot. Such reassurances have failed to placate the public.
I. No trecho “Although the disease has a more than 200-year history in Brazil, concern has picked up steadily in recent months as it moved to areas of the south-east, such as Espírito Santo, where it is not normally found”, o sujeito da construção com a voz passive é it; este pronome retoma o termo the disease, que, por sua vez, faz referência ao termo yellow fever, mencionado anteriormente no texto. II. Em “Monkeys have also suffered. More than 400 were found dead in Espírito Santo after farmers reported an unusual silence in the forest”, a construção com a voz passiva aparece com o verbo principal find. No trecho, há a informação de que mais de 400 macacos foram encontrados mortos, de acordo com o texto, por causa da epidemia de febre amarela. III. No trecho “After Zika was declared a health emergency, the government mobilised more than 100,000 troops and medical personnel to destroy mosquito breeding centres” o sujeito da voz passiva é Zika. Aqui são apresentadas medidas tomadas pelo governo após a Zika ter sido declarada uma emergência de saúde. IV. No trecho “The risk we now face is that urban mosquitoes such as the Aedes aegypti could become carriers and then the disease will be transmitted into the cities”, o verbo que está na voz passiva é transmit. Aqui, explicita-se o receio de que o mosquito Aedes aegypti torne-se um agente transmissor de febre amarela nos centros urbanos. Agora, assinale a alternativa correta: ALTERNATIVAS Somente I, II e III estão corretas. Somente I, II e IV estão corretas. Somente II, III e IV estão corretas. Somente II e IV estão corretas. Todas estão corretas.
A alternativa I está correta, pois o pronome It de fato refere-se a doença Febre Amarela, citada anteriormente no trecho , utilizando-se da voz passiva tornando a doença em sujeito da passiva;
A alternativa II também está correta pois o verbo encontrar (find) encontra-se na voz passiva, transmitindo a informação de que os macacos foram encontrados mortos;
A terceira alternativa também está correta já que o trecho Zika was declared ( Zika foi declarada) apresenta-se na voz passiva e o sujeito desse fragmento é a própria Zika, pois o sujeito sofre a ação;
O quarto item também apresenta-se de maneira correta. O trecho will be transmitted (será transmitida) traz a ideia de que o verbo transmitir está de fato na voz passiva;
Portanto, todas as alternativas estão corretas;