• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: marianaventuraowwbnw
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

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Mickey Mouse e seus amigos estavam planejando um piquenique!

“Nós todos podemos preparar nossas comidas favoritas e depois trocar as cestas de piquenique!”, sugeriu Mickey.

“Parece muito divertido. Mal posso esperar!”, disse Minnie.

Os amigos correram para suas casas e começaram a montar suas cestas.

Donald preparou um sanduíche e escolheu uma fruta. Ao olhar para a comida, ele começou a ficar com fome.

Essas são as minhas comidas favoritas, ele pensou. Eu não quero dividi-las!

As coisas também não corriam muito bem na casa da Minnie. Minnie havia colocado todas as suas comidas favoritas na cesta. Mas enquanto se preparava para sair, ela começou a imaginar se iria gostar das comidas que seus amigos estavam levando.

Enquanto isso, Margarida estava muito animada em dividir a sua comida. Ela cantarolava enquanto preenchia a sua cesta. Mas, quando Margarida pegou uma banana, ela fechou a cara. Talvez ela não quisesse dividir sua comida, afinal.

Em sua casa, Pateta preparava uma limonada. Ele estava todo molhado, coberto de suco de limão! Pateta experimentou a limonada que acabara de preparar.

Essa é a melhor limonada que eu já fiz, pensou o Pateta. Eu quero beber a jarra toda sozinho!

Enquanto Mickey caminhava até o parque, ele começou a ficar muito animado com o piquenique. Quando chegou ao parque, Mickey encontrou seus amigos esperando por ele. Todos carregavam uma cesta de piquenique, mas eles não pareciam estar muito felizes.

“Qual é o problema?”, Mickey perguntou a seus amigos.

Donald explicou que ninguém queria trocar de cesta, pois todos queriam comer suas comidas favoritas.

“Ah”, disse Mickey, desapontado. “Tudo bem, acho que não precisamos dividir nossas comidas.”

Minnie olhou para Mickey e viu que ele estava muito triste. Ela não queria ser o motivo de ele estar chateado! “Eu troco minha cesta de piquenique com você, Mickey”, ela disse.

“Sério? Obrigado, Minnie!”, disse Mickey.

Os amigos do Mickey viram como a Minnie o deixou feliz e decidiram trocar suas cestas de piquenique também.

Mickey estendeu sua toalha, sentou-se, abriu a cesta de piquenique e começou a rir!

“O que é tão engraçado, Mickey?”, perguntou Minnie.

Então, ela olhou para sua cesta e caiu na risada também!

Todos tinham levado sanduíches de pasta de amendoim e limonada!

A única diferença entre as cestas eram as frutas. Havia uma laranja, uma banana, uma maçã, algumas uvas e um abacaxi!

Então, Mickey teve uma ideia. Ele picou as frutas, colocou-as em uma tigela e misturou tudo, fazendo uma grande salada de frutas.

Enquanto comiam suas sobremesas, os amigos de Mickey perceberam que ele estava certo.

Dividir é muito divertido, afinal!


respondido por: isabellymedeirozkldi
Mickey Mouse and his friends were planning a picnic!

"We can all prepare our favorite foods and then change the picnic baskets!" Suggested Mickey.

"It sounds like a lot of fun. I can not wait! "Said Minnie.

Friends rushed to their homes and began to assemble their baskets.

Donald prepared a sandwich and chose a fruit. As he looked at the food, he began to get hungry.

These are my favorite foods, he thought. I do not want to split them!

Things also did not go very well at Minnie's house. Minnie had put all her favorite foods in the basket. But as she prepared to leave, she began to wonder if she would like the food her friends were carrying.

Meanwhile, Daisy was very excited about sharing her food. She hummed as she filled her basket. But when Margarida took a banana, she closed her face. Maybe she did not want to share her food after all.

In his house, Goofy prepared a lemonade. He was all wet, covered in lemon juice! Goofy tried the lemonade he had just prepared.

This is the best lemonade I've ever had, thought the Goofy. I want to drink the whole jar alone!

As Mickey walked into the park, he began to get very excited about the picnic. When he arrived at the park, Mickey found his friends waiting for him. Everyone was carrying a picnic basket, but they did not look very happy.

"What's the problem?" Mickey asked his friends.

Donald explained that no one wanted to switch baskets because everyone wanted to eat their favorite foods.

"Oh," said Mickey, disappointed. "Okay, I guess we do not have to split our food."

Minnie looked at Mickey and saw that he was very sad. She did not want to be the reason he was upset! "I'll change my picnic basket with you, Mickey," she said.

"Oh really? Thanks, Minnie! "Said Mickey.

Mickey's friends saw how Minnie made him happy and they decided to change their picnic baskets as well.

Mickey spread his towel, sat down, opened the picnic basket and began to laugh!

"What's so funny, Mickey?" Minnie asked.

Then she looked at her basket and burst into laughter too!

Everyone had brought out peanut butter and lemonade sandwiches!

The only difference between the baskets was the fruit. There was an orange, a banana, an apple, some grapes, and a pineapple!

So, Mickey had an idea. He chopped the fruit, put them in a bowl and mixed it all, making a large fruit salad.

While they ate their desserts, Mickey's friends realized he was right.

Sharing is a lot of fun, after all!
respondido por: rosane13rb
Mickey Mouse and his friends were planning a picnic!

"We can all prepare our favorite foods and then change the picnic baskets!" Suggested Mickey.

"It sounds like a lot of fun. I can not wait! "Said Minnie.

Friends rushed to their homes and began to assemble their baskets.

Donald prepared a sandwich and chose a fruit. As he looked at the food, he began to get hungry.

These are my favorite foods, he thought. I do not want to split them!

Things also did not go very well at Minnie's house. Minnie had put all her favorite foods in the basket. But as she prepared to leave, she began to wonder if she would like the food her friends were carrying.

Meanwhile, Daisy was very excited about sharing her food. She hummed as she filled her basket. But when Margarida took a banana, she closed her face. Maybe she did not want to share her food after all.

In his house, Goofy prepared a lemonade. He was all wet, covered in lemon juice! Goofy tried the lemonade he had just prepared.

This is the best lemonade I've ever had, thought the Goofy. I want to drink the whole jar alone!

As Mickey walked into the park, he began to get very excited about the picnic. When he arrived at the park, Mickey found his friends waiting for him. Everyone was carrying a picnic basket, but they did not look very happy.

"What's the problem?" Mickey asked his friends.

Donald explained that no one wanted to switch baskets because everyone wanted to eat their favorite foods.

"Oh," said Mickey, disappointed. "Okay, I guess we do not have to split our food."

Minnie looked at Mickey and saw that he was very sad. She did not want to be the reason he was upset! "I'll change my picnic basket with you, Mickey," she said.

"Oh really? Thanks, Minnie! "Said Mickey.

Mickey's friends saw how Minnie made him happy and they decided to change their picnic baskets as well.

Mickey spread his towel, sat down, opened the picnic basket and began to laugh!

"What's so funny, Mickey?" Minnie asked.

Then she looked at her basket and burst into laughter too!

Everyone had brought out peanut butter and lemonade sandwiches!

The only difference between the baskets was the fruit. There was an orange, a banana, an apple, some grapes, and a pineapple!

So, Mickey had an idea. He chopped the fruit, put them in a bowl and mixed it all, making a large fruit salad.

While they ate their desserts, Mickey's friends realized he was right.

Sharing is a lot of fun, after all!
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