• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: phsosk
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Exercícios de Questio Tag.
1) Complete com a Question Tag correta.

1) I’m what I am, ------------------------------------------------------?
2)We are not as intelligent as Einstein, -----------------------------------?
3) Your bus passes at 06:00, --------------------------------------------------?
The English grammar doesn’t seem difficult, ---------------------------------------?
5) She goes shopping every day, -----------------------------------------------------?
6)He is a good student,--------------------------------------------------------------?
7) She plays the piano well,---------------------------------------------------?
8) The traffic is havy today,-----------------------------------------------?
9) It is a nice day, ------------------------------------------------------?
10)Tim doesn’t look well today,------------------------------------------------?
11) You’re not going out today,-----------------------------------------------?
12) They are old friends,----------------------------------------------------?
13) He is eating a cake,----------------------------------------------------?
14) They are working today,----------------------------------------------?
15) The bus stops at this corner,----------------------------------------?
16) She didn’t like to study,----------------------------------------?
17)You weren’t absent yesterday,---------------------------------------?
18) She is making good progress in English,-------------------------------------?
19)She can speak well,--------------------------------------------------------------?
20) Both men look very much alike,-------------------------------------?
21) He wasn’t driving fast at that time,------------------------------?
22) You didn’t write those letters,-------------------------------------------?
23)You don’t believe in horoscope,------------------------------------?
24) I am out of danger, ----------------------------------------------------------?


respondido por: anaisenobregapa68rb

Utilizamos as question tags ao fim de uma oração. Elas tem o intuito de confirmar a informação que foi colocada na sentença. 
Se a informação estiver disposta utilizando a forma afirmativa, então devemos utilizar uma question tag na negativa.  Da mesma forma, se a informação estiver na forma negativa, utilizamos a question tag na afirmativa. Devem ser posicionadas sempre após a vírgula
Para formar a question tag, utilizamos o verbo auxiliar que seria correspondente à oração principal. 

1) I’m what I am, am I not? 
Obs.: Neste caso, "am I not" é a forma gramaticalmente correta, mas um uso bastante comum e aceito na linguagem informal para este caso seria "aren't I".

2)We are not as intelligent as Einstein, are we?

3) Your bus passes at 06:00, doesn't it?
- Se transformarmos a oração principal em uma interrogativa, seria "Does your bus pas at 6:00?". Portanto,  deduzimos que neste caso o verbo a utilizar seria do/does

4)The English grammar doesn’t seem difficult, does it?

5) She goes shopping every day, doesn't she?
- Mesma situação disposta no item 3

6)He is a good student, isn't he?
- No caso de orações com o verbo to be, utilizamos o mesmo para formar a question tag. 

7) She plays the piano well, doesn't she?

8) The traffic is heavy today, isn't it?

9) It is a nice day, isn't it?

10)Tim doesn’t look well today, does he?

11) You’re not going out today, are you?

12) They are old friends, aren't they?

13) He is eating a cake, isn't he?

14) They are working today, aren't they?

15) The bus stops at this corner, doesn't it?

16) She didn’t like to study, did she?

17)You weren’t absent yesterday, were you?

18) She is making good progress in English, isn't she?

19)She can speak well, can't she?

20) Both men look very much alike, don't they?

21) He wasn’t driving fast at that time, was he?

22) You didn’t write those letters, did you?

23)You don’t believe in horoscope, do you?

24) I am out of danger, am I not?
Obs.: Mesmo caso do item 1

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