• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kalitamontagnap6d8qf
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

alguém traduz esse texto pra inglês por favor?
Roseli Montagna Jorge nasceu 28 de abril de 1974.

Minha mae so usava vestido,na epoca mulher nao usava calça e nem bermudas,por isso os vestidos rodados eram seus preferidos

ela costumava trabalhar em casa pra ajudar os pais,arrumava a casa,varria,lavava e enxugava  a louça,tratava dos animais,mas eram pequenas tarefas que lhe ajudaram em sua vida.

Os brinquedos de minha mae eram bonecas de pano,bola e triciculo.Suas brincadeiras favoritas eram pega-pega,baralho,amarelinha e esconde-esconde.

as musicas que ela costumava ouvir eram musicas caipiras e velhas,ja programa de teve,ela nao assistia,porque teve era pra quem tinha boas condicoes financeiras,mas tambem nao tinha luz eletrica,no sitio onde ela morava,eram velas ou lamparinas 

Na escola onde minha mae estudava era madeira e bem simples,ela usava livros e caderno e os professores passavam bastante liçao no quadro,os professores eram severos,se nao fizesse liçao levava um puxao de orelha e se aprontasse ficava de castigo ajoelhado no milho


respondido por: ppssheila

Roseli Montagna Jorge was born April 28, 1974. My mother only wore dress, at the time woman wore no pants and no shorts, so the dresses turned were her favorite she used to work at home to help her parents, to clean the house, to sweep, to wash and to dry the dishes, to treat the animals, but they were small tasks that helped her in her life. My mother's toys were cloth, ball and triciculo dolls. Her favorite games were pick-ups, cards, hopscotch and hide-and-seek. the songs she used to hear were old and old songs, she had a program, she did not watch it, because there was a good time for those who had good financial conditions, but there was also no electric light where she lived, there were candles or lamps In the school where my mother studied was wood and very simple, she used books and notebook and the teachers spent a lot of time on the board, the teachers were severe, if she did not do a lesson she would pull a ear and get ready to be punished kneeling on the corn very

kalitamontagnap6d8qf: vc usou Google tradutor?
ppssheila: em algumas frases
kalitamontagnap6d8qf: preciso traduzido sem ser do Google tradutor :c
ppssheila: Roseli Montagna Jorge was born 28 April 1974. My mother so wore dress,in epoca woman not wearing pants and not breeches,so the dresses were rotated his favorites she used to work at home to help parents,arranged the house,varria,washed and wiped the dishes,were the animals,but they were small tasks that helped him in his life. Toys from my parents were rag dolls,ball and triciculo.Your favorite jokes were-grip handle,deck,HOPSCOTCH and hide and seek.
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