• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: JuniorMarcelo
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Corrija as frases e explique porque elas estão erradas :

1- She has won her first race five years ago .
2- She gás been running for she was twelve.
3- When have you start your new job ?
4- She has broken lots of records.
5- I've dreamt of winning a medal since long time .
6- I been sking last year
7- I started learning English for a long time ago.
8- Tom never saw a zebra.
9- She has already wrote her friend 18 letters.
10- We have had a good time at Jim's party last weekend.

Jonas6746: tem que por o texto


respondido por: Emmmmma
1. She won her first race five years ago.
2. She has been running since she was twelve.
3. When do you start your new job?
4. She broke lots of records.
5. I've dreamed of winning a medal for a long time.
6. I went skiing last year.
7. I started learning English since a long time ago.
8. Tom has never saw a zebra.
9. She already wrote 18 letters to her friend.
10. We had a good time at Jim's party last weekend.
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