match and complete the sentences
1. um dia uma barata acordou como um ser humano.
2. Ela se levantou com dificuldade, uma vez que tinha agora apenas duas pernas.
3. Ela se viu no espelho.
4. Seu primeiro pensamento humano: "Que vergonha! Estou nua!".
5. Ela precisava de um nome, então chamou a sí própria Donna Bharat.
( ) the ................ .
( ) ........................................ she .........................m Donna Bharat.
( ) One day............................................................
( ) She................ ................... whit ......................, ..............she................two ............. .
( ) ........... ..................human..................: "............. ........ ..............! i'm.......................!".
respondido por:
1. One day a cockroach woke up as a human
2. she hardly stand up, because she had only two legs
3. she looks at herself in the mirror
4. your first human thought was ''What a shame, I'm naked!''
5. she needed a name, so she called herself Donna Bharat
2. she hardly stand up, because she had only two legs
3. she looks at herself in the mirror
4. your first human thought was ''What a shame, I'm naked!''
5. she needed a name, so she called herself Donna Bharat
respondido por:
(3) She found herself in the mirror.
( 5)She he needed a name, so he called himself Donna Bharat.
(1) One day a cockroach woke up with a human being.
(2) She got up with difficulty since she now had only two legs.
(4) His first human thought: "Shame, I'm naked!"
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