rewrite these using the words given. Your sentence must be as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence given
1. The economic crisis is forcing business to close that's why rent prices are going down.
2. Some ancient civilizations were far more advanced than people believe.
3. My whole family decided to leave Carbon Creek since there were no jobs there other than in the mines.
4. As the city I used to live in was significantly smaller than this one, it'll take me some time to get used to living here.
5. Living in the city is not nearly as inspiring as living by the sea.
Seguem abaixo cada uma das sentenças reescritas com as palavras dadas no enunciado:
- 1. The economic crisis is forcing business to close that's why rent prices are going down.
- 2. Some ancient civilizations were far more advanced than people believe.
- 3. My whole family decided to leave Carbon Creek since there were no jobs there other than in the mines.
- 4. As the city I used to live in was significantly smaller than this one, it'll take me some time to get used to living here.
- 5. Living in the city is not nearly as inspiring as living by the sea.
Complete the Sentences
Para que possamos responder corretamente cada um dos exercícios supracitados, preenchendo a palavra necessária de ser colocada dentro da frase, sem alterar seu significado, precisamos primeiramente compreender o tempo verbal da frase que estamos criando.
Em seguida, após a análise do tempo verbal, precisamos entender o significado daquela frase, pois esse significado não pode ser alterado com as mudanças que iremos realizar. Por fim, temos as comparações, essas comparações de informações será onde iremos inserir as palavras solicitadas pelo exercício, e com isso, respondê-lo corretamente.
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