• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: deyzinha2018
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Cultural Diversity in Brazil
Brazil has a remarkable creative diversity. Cultural diversity can be a central issue for the development of projects in the country, with a special focus on indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples.
Areas such as traditional crafts, small manufacturers, fashion and design are strategic areas for Brazil, given its ability to improve the living conditions of the poorest. It can bring individual power and can contribute to poverty reduction.
In an attempt to address its most pressing problem - social inequality - the country has been discovering the strong influence of culture in the formation of this reality and its potential importance for the eventual social transformation of the current scenario.
There is still a lack of a deeper cultural approach when dealing with indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples. These two minority groups resent the country's worst social indicators, but only in recent years have been targeted by specific social policies.
More needs to be done to preserve:
Traditions of indigenous peoples,
Indigenous languages ​​that are in danger of disappearing,
Traditional indigenous knowledge related to nature,
Indigenous lands - there are conflicts related to the expansion of the agricultural frontier and investments in infrastructure,
the affirmation of the rights of indigenous peoples, including their right to cultural and linguistic diversity,
The influence of African culture on Brazilian culture and history.
The UNESCO Office in Brazil is often sought on issues of Cultural Diversity, particularly when it is seen not only in the context of the imbalance between countries that produce and consume cultural products, but also in their links with human and minority rights and how to combat discrimination that causes inequality.
In 2007, Brazil ratified the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions adopted in 2005. The Convention is a legal instrument that guides the Organization in the elaboration of concepts, goals and policies in favor of cultural diversity, with emphasis on the pluralism. on the dialogue between cultures and their various beliefs, and on development policies.
The Organization also emphasizes the opportunities that the Convention has created in relation to national legal instruments and related entities. UNESCO hopes to contribute to the assessment of the impact of this international instrument on trade relations involving cultural services and cultural goods.

answer according to the text

1. What problem needs to be addressed immediately?
2. What attempts are being made to combat the problem?
3. what are the two minority groups mentioned in the text?
4. What is the Unesco Office always trying to do?
5. What was ratified by Unesco in 2007?


respondido por: Nyxnightwitch
1) social inequality.
2) the country has been discovering the strong influence of culture in the formation of this reality and its potential importance for the eventual social transformation of the current scenario.
3) indigenous and afro-descendant people.
4) They are always trying to combat discrimination.
5) the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
respondido por: polianafferreira

1) Social inequality.

A questão pergunta qual problema precisa ser tratado imediatamente, que, no caso, é a desigualdade social.

2) The country has been discovering the strong influence of culture in the formation of this reality and its potential importance for the eventual social transformation of the current scenario.

A questão pergunta quais tentativas estão sendo feitas para combater esse problema:  o país vem descobrindo a forte influência da cultura na formação dessa realidade e sua potencial importância para a eventual transformação social do cenário atual.

3) Indigenous and afro-descendant people.

A questão pergunta quais são os dois grupos minoritários mencionados no texto: indígenas e afrodescendentes.

4) They are always trying to combat discrimination  that causes inequality.

A questão pergunta o que o Escritório da Unesco está sempre tentando fazer: estão sempre tentando combater a discriminação que causa desigualdade.

5) The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

A questão pergunta o que foi ratificado pela Unesco em 2007:  

Convenção sobre a Proteção e Promoção da Diversidade das Expressões Culturais.

Bons estudos!

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