• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Rianvicss
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Passe as sentenças a seguir para o "Past Perfect" e complete os espaços com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa:

A) He____(live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.
B) After I____(eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.
C) If we____(listen) to her, We wold have got the best place in the theater.
D) Ingrid didn't arrive there until after I____(leave).
E) When I____(finish) lunch, I called him.


respondido por: GaNaomi


a) He had lived in Germany before she went to Brazil.

b) After I had eaten the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

c) If we had listened to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I had left.

e) When I had finished lunch, I called him.

respondido por: vchinchilla22

Passando as sentenças para o "Past Perfect" do inglês elas ficam a seguinte maneira:

  • a) He had lived in Germany before she went to Brazil.

  • b) After I had eaten the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

  • c) If we had listened to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

  • d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I had left.

  • e) When I had finished lunch, I called him.

O passado perfeito é usado para se referir a coisas que aconteceram no passado antes de outra coisa acontecer. É formado com o pretérito do verbo haber em sua função auxiliar (had), mais o particípio pretérito do verbo principal.

Assim as estruturas das frases são formadas com:

  • Afirmativa: Sujeito + “had” + participio passado.
  • Negativa: Sujeito + “had” + “not” + participio passado
  • Interrogativa: “Had” + sujeito + participio passado+?

É importante lembrar que os verbos regulares são conjugados adicionando "ed" na sua terminação, e os irregulares mudam de forma e podem ser encontrados no dicionário

Saiba mais em: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/26563184

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