• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: nycolaslakes7
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

UFRGS - adaptada) Leia o texto. Mr. Eugene Foster lives with his wife in a large house in New York City, and they have four servants. On this particular morning, there is a great deal of bustling about. One maid is distributing dust sheets to every room, while another is draping them over the furniture. The butler is bringing down suitcases, and Mrs. Foster herself is flying from room to room and pretending to supervise these operations. Actually, she is thinking of nothing at all except that she is going to miss her plane if her husband doesn't come out of his study soon and get ready. Mr. Foster may possibly have a right to be irritated with his wife's foolishness, but he can have no excuse for increasing her misery by keeping her waiting unnecessarily. It is by no means certain that this is what he does, yet whenever they go somewhere, his timing is so accurate and his manner so bland that it is hard to believe he isn't purposely inflicting a nasty torture of his own on the unhappy lady. And one thing he must know - that she would never dare to call out and tell him to hurry. He disciplined her too well for that. He must also know that if he is prepared to wait even beyond the last moment of safety, he can drive her nearly into hysterics. It seems almost as though he 'wanted' to miss the plane simply to intensify the poor woman's suffering. DAHL, R. The way up to heaven. In: Tales of the unexpected. London: Penguin Book, 1979. p. 179-180. Com base nesse texto, pode-se afirmar corretamente que Escolha uma: a. a Sra. Foster gostaria de viajar num outro dia. b. o casal Foster viajará de avião na parte da tarde. c. o Sr. Foster quer irritar a esposa atrasando-se. d. o Sr. Foster está histérico com a ansiedade da esposa. e. a Sra. Foster supervisiona com atenção as atividades dos empregado


respondido por: Silvan125yaq
A respota é a alternativa A
respondido por: Crisamel
Letra A.

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