• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: allis0n2
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

preencha as lacunas com formato correto de verbo no presente perfeito em seguida adote Since ou four participlis de um verbo 1-I( )my car( )thei years


respondido por: YasminDeodato
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respondido por: joaolucasdasilvapai


Exercícios de Present Perfect Com Repostas

Você assistiu ao vídeo acima? É muito importante relembrar alguns conceitos básicos para mandar super bem com a lista de exercícios sobre present perfect. No exercício de inglês, abaixo, preencha as lacunas com o formato correto do verbo no presente perfeito e em seguida adote since ou for. Use os past participles de um dos verbos abaixo:

DICA RÁPIDA  Texto Em Inglês Sobre Maternidade (Com Exercícios)

Forma base do verbo Past Participle

Be Been

Do Done

Have Had

Know Known

Live Lived

Love Loved

Speak Spoken

Work Worked


Siga os exemplos:

Ex: She has spoken English since she was a little girl.

Ex: They have been married for seventeen years.

1. I ________ my car ________ three years.

2. We ________ in the classroom ________ ten o’clock.

3. S/he ________ him/her secretly ________ many years.

4. He ________ a great deal of money ________ the day he was born.

5. My best friend ________ in New York ________ he was born.

6. They ________ a great deal of trouble with their car ________ the day they bought it.

7. The weather ________ beautiful ________ the beginning of the month. We ________ sunshine ________ almost three weeks.

8. The President ________ in office ________ some years.

9. Bill and his father ________ together in the same company ________ more than ten years.

10. Everyone ________ well ________ the beginning of the course.

11. Our little boy ________ an infection in his ear ________ he went swimming in the lake a couple of weeks ago.


12. I ________ English ________ only a couple of years.

13. My next-door neighbor _________ very inactive _________ she became ill.

14. He ________ a great deal of trouble with his boss ________ he started working for the company.

15. Betty Smith, a good friend of mine, ________ a very unhappy woman ________ the death of her husband.

16. My house plants ________ much better _________ I fed them with a new kind of organic fertilizer.

17. I ________ my best friend ________ more than fifteen years.

18. My parents ________ their car ________ 1951. It has become an antique.

19. We ________ in this room ________ about an hour and a half.

Respostas dos Exercícios de Present Perfect

1 – Have had / for | 2 – Have been / since | 3 – Has loved / since | 4 – Has had / since | 5 – Has lived / since | 6 – Have had / since | 7 – Has been / since / have had / for | 8 – Have been | for | 9 – Have worked / for | 10 – Has spoken / since | 11 – Has had / since | 12 – Have spoken / for | 13 – Has been / since | 14 – Has had / since | 15 – Has been / since | 16 – Have done / since | 17 – Have known / for | 18 – Have had / since | 19 – Have been / for.

DICA RÁPIDA  Como Dizer Confuso Em Inglês? (4 formas)

Referência dos exercícios: ESL Grammar Workbook 2, Allan Kent Dart

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