• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: monicahecke
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

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Diego Velazquez - Biography
The Spanish painter Diego Velazquez (June 6, 1599 - August 6, 1660) at the age of 25 was hired by Spain’s king (Philip IV) and became his favorite court painter.
In the early 1650s the king offered Velázquez the Pieza Principal ("main room") which was serving as the palace museum, to use as his studio. In this Studio
Velazquez painted Las Meninas. Philip IV had his own chair in the studio and would often sit and watch Velázquez at work.
In February 1651, Velazquez was appointed palace chamberlain (aposentador mayor del palacio). The post brought him status and material reward, but its duties made heavy demands on his time. During the remaining eight years of his life, he painted only a few works, mostly portraits of the royal family. When he painted Las Meninas, (1656) he had been with the royal household for 33 years.
The art-loving king had a very strong friendship with the painter. After Velázquez's death (August 6, 1660), he wrote: "I am crushed", in the margin of a memorandum on the choice of his successor (Quoted in: Canaday, John, 1972. Baroque Painters (First published in 1969, in The Lives of the Painters). New York: Norton Library).
A partir da leiutura do texto, assinale a única alternativa CORRETA:
A)Diego Velazquez was an art-loving king
B)Diego Velazquez crushed the king.
C)The Pieza Principal offered the King''''s studio
D)Palace chamberlain appointed Velazquez as his favorite painter.
E)Philip IV hired Diego Velazquez and the painter became his favorite court painter.


respondido por: isa07
Philip IV contratou diego velezquez eo pintor se tornou seu pintor da corte favorito

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