traduza esse texto : olá senhoras e senhores hoje irei lhes apresentar o meu experimento científico,como fazer uma lava vulcânica primeiro iremos colocar na garafa três dedos de detergente e 4 dedos de água oxigenada vol 20 ,em seguida em um recipiente separado misture 1/5 de água morna com duas colheres de fermento biológico e despeje essa mistura com a ajuda de um funil na garafa e para finalizar acrescente uma xícara de vinagre
respondido por:
Hello ladies and gentlemen today I will present to you my scientific experiment, how to make a volcanic lava first we will put in the garafa three fingers of detergent and 4 fingers of hydrogen peroxide vol 20, then in a separate container mix 1/5 of warm water with two tablespoons of organic yeast and pour this mixture with the aid of a funnel in the garafa and to finish add a cup of vinegar.
respondido por:
Hellou ladies and gentlemen, today I will present to you my cientifc experiment, how to make a volcanic lava first we hill put in the bottle three fingers of detergent and 4 fingers of hidrogen peroxide vol 20 , then in a separate bowl mix 1/5 warm water with two tablespoons of organic yeast and pour this mixture with the aid of a funnel, in the bottle, and to finish add a vinegar shake
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