• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: henriquehs560
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Troque as palavras destacadas por pronomes pessoais (subject) A) PETER is a student. B)THE DOG is grey.C)THE PENCILS are small.D)MARY AND I are teachers.E)BOB AND BILL are friends.(Preciso disso urgente pra agoraa)


respondido por: ojosnegros
Olá boa noite! ☆☆☆☆☺

Resposta: ♤♡♢♧

A) PETER Is a student. = he is...

B) The Dog = it is....

C) THE PENCILS are small.. = they are

D) MARY AND I are teachers.. = we are...

E) BOB AND BILL are Friends = they are...

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos ❤
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