Preposições são palavras que ligam dois termos em uma oração. As preposições mais usadas são:
about - below - excepting - off - toward - above - beaneath - for - on - under - across - beside - from - onto - underneath - after - between - in - out - until - against - beyond - in front of - outside - up - along - but - inside - over - upon - among - by - in spite of - up to - around - instead of - with - at - into - since - because of - down - like - through - without - before - during - near - behind - to - up from
Com esse banco de palavras, podemos completar as frases:
1. I've always been curious about speed dating.
... and he'll get up from the table.
2. Now I'm able to look back and laugh about the situation...
3. I know you're not very fond of going out, but I suggest you keep on trying.
4. Mitch was very kind to me on our date last night.
He laughed at my bad jokes...
...but I couldn't connect with him.
Something about him was a bit off.
5. ... we used to wait for your grandparents to turn off the lights and go to bed...
... we would quietly get down the stairs, turn on the TV...
... and the videogame on...