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Fundada em 1718 por franceses que se estabeleceram principalmente com plantações, New Orleans desde seu início foi relatada como uma cidade promissora da Louisiana e com divisões bem nítidas. Em 1755 houve uma grande migração, que se distinguiu por dois tipos de culturas, os Cajun, brancos, católicos, que migraram do Canadá devido a perseguição religiosa e os Créoles, provenientes das colônias francesas, em grande parte negros, que trouxeram não só os costumes de seu povo como a religião predominante, o Vodu e as crenças africanas.
A mistura fez um povo rico em folclore, diversificado e extremamente supersticioso, uma mistura perfeita para inúmeros relatos de personalidades loucas e sociopatas, com o bônus de vários fantasma e lugares malditos.
Foi cenário ou esteve presente com suas lendas em vários trabalhos da ficção, entre eles A Hora da Bruxa de Anne Rice, American Gods de Neil Gaiman, a série True Blood e American Horror Story:Coven, no filme A Chave Mestra e em HQs da Marvel, todos tendo em comum o terror e sobrenatural.
New Orleans é o contraste perfeito daquilo que leva em seu povo, de um lado o catolicismo, a devoção, a sociedade que ostenta nomes e bens e de outro a paixão, a magia e a crença, um traço que se estende a culinária, música e ao que seu povo passa de geração em geração.
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Founded in 1718 by French who settled mainly in plantations, New Orleans since its inception has been reported as a promising city of Louisiana and very clear divisions. In 1755 there was a great migration, which was distinguished by two types of cultures, Cajun, whites, Catholics, who migrated from Canada due to religious persecution and Créoles, from the French colonies, largely black, who brought not only the customs of his people as the predominant religion, Vodou and African beliefs.The mixture has a rich people in folklore, diverse and extremely superstitious, a perfect blend to numerous reports of crazy personalities and sociopaths, with the bonus of several ghost and cursed places.Was the scene or was present with its legends in various works of fiction, including The Time Witch Anne Rice, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, the series True Blood and American Horror Story: Coven, in the movie The Skeleton Key and the comics Marvel, all having in common the horror and the supernatural.New Orleans is the perfect contrast of what takes his people on one side Catholicism, devotion, company names and sporting goods and other passion, magic and belief, a trait that extends to cooking, music and his people passed on from generation to generation.
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Founded in 1718 by French who settled mainly in plantations, New Orleans since its inception has been reported as a promising city of Louisiana and very clear divisions. In 1755 there was a great migration, which was distinguished by two types of cultures, Cajun, whites, Catholics, who migrated from Canada due to religious persecution and Créoles, from the French colonies, largely black, who brought not only the customs of his people as the predominant religion, Vodou and African beliefs.The mixture has a rich people in folklore, diverse and extremely superstitious, a perfect blend to numerous reports of crazy personalities and sociopaths, with the bonus of several ghost and cursed places. Was the scene or was present with its legends in various works of fiction, including The Time Witch Anne Rice, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, the series True Blood and American Horror Story: Coven, in the movie The Skeleton Key and the comics Marvel, all having in common the horror and the supernatural. New Orleans is the perfect contrast of what takes his people on one side Catholicism, devotion, company names and sporting goods and other passion, magic and belief, a trait that extends to cooking, music and his people passed on from generation to generation.
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