40According to the information in the article, the word "U-boat"A was created by the British during the Second World War as a term for any non-British submarine.B was used by the British as a propaganda tool during the Second World War.C was used by the British to symbolize German military atrocities committed on land and sea during the Second World War.D meant something different to each country involved in the Second World War.E because of its sinister connotations, is no longer used by the German Navy.
Resposta B
No texto: During the Second World War, the British officially described all enemy submarines as ‘U-boats’, regardless of nationality, so that they would all be tainted by the sinister connotations of the German word, and so that the public would not confuse their activities with the heroic campaigns of British and allied submariners.
A alternativa correta é a A.
De acordo com o texto, a denominação “U-boat” foi criada pelos britânicos para descrever qualquer submarino que não tivesse origem aliada, independente da sua nacionalidade, para não serem confundidos com as campanhas britânicas.
No texto, a informação pode ser encontrada no segundo parágrafo: “During the Second World War, the British officially described all enemy submarines as “U-boats”, regardless of nationality”.