• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kelvelaske24ouvrve
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

9. Escreva frases usando o Presente Contínuo.

What's Mike doing?

Mike / prepare / a cake

- He is preparing a cake.

a. Mike / clean / the house


b. He / cook / an omelet / for dinner


c. Mike / smile at / me


d. He / run / to catch / the bus

e. Mike / dance/ in a disco


f. He / cry


g. He / laugh at / you


h. He / wait for / the / bus


i. He / play / the guitar


j. He / drink / water


k. He / sleep


l. He / read / a / novel /


m. Mike / think / about / his / problems


10. Reescreva as frases na forma interrogativa e negativa.

a. They are listening to the teacher.

Interrogativa: ______________________________________________?
Negativa: __________________________________________________.

b. You are making a lot of noise.

Interrogativa: ______________________________________________?
Negativa: __________________________________________________.

c. I am having a fantastic time.

Interrogativa: ______________________________________________?

d. The baby is crying.

Interrogativa: _____________________________________________?
Negativa: ______________________________________________


respondido por: beatrizssm

9. No presente contínuo basicamente tens de adicionar o “is” depois da pessoa e adicionar “ing” ao verbo.

a. Mike IS cleanING the house.
b. He is cooking an omelet for dinner.
c. Mike is smiling at me.
d. He is running to catch the bus.
e. Mike is dancing in a disco.
f. He is crying.
h. He is waiting for the bus.
i. He is playing the guitar.
j. He is drinking water.
k. He is sleeping.
l. He is reading a novel.
m. Mike is thinking about his problems.

10. As frases na negativa apenas tens de adicionar “n’t” no final do verbo SER (is/are) ou adicionar “not” antes do verbo.

a. “They are listening to the teacher.”

Negativa: They areN’T listening to the teacher.
Ou: They are NOT listening to the teacher.

As frases na interrogativa tens de trocar o verbo SER (is/are) pelo sujeito.

Neste caso, o verbo ser é ARE (estão) e o sujeito é THEY (eles)
Are they listening to the teacher?

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