This was all you, none of it me
You put your hands all over my body and told me (hmm)
You told me you were ready
For the big one, for the big jump
I'd be your last love everlasting, you and me (hmm)
That was what you told me
I'm giving you up
I've forgiven it all
You set me free
Send my love to your new lover
Treat her better
We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts
We both know we ain't kids no more
I was too strong, you were trembling
You couldn't handle the hot heat rising (rising) (hmm)
Baby, I'm so rising
I was running, you were walking
You couldn't keep up, you were falling down (down) (hmm)
There's only one way down
If you're ready, if you're ready (send my love to your new lover)
If you're ready, are you ready? (Treat her better)
Alguns dos verbos presentes na letra de Send My Love (To Your New Lover) - Adele:
- was
- put
- were
- told
- be
- giving up
- set free
- send
- treat
- treat
- ain't
- trembling
- handle
- rising
- running
- walking
Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
A letra da música é guiada por um viés rancoroso, onde o eu lírico relata uma relação terminada por motivos de os dois lados estarem em frequências de doação e nível de dedicação distintas.
Além disso, uma das partes está agora com um novo alguém, e o eu lírico relata tão desdobramento da história com pitadas de ironia e rancor.
Veja outra questões envolvendo letras de música e verbos em: