to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar
to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar
to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar
to bear bore borne suportar, aguentar
to beat beat beaten bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar
to become became become tornar-se
to begin began begun começar, iniciar
to bend bent bent curvar, entortar, franzir, dirigir, desistir
to bet bet bet apostar
to bid bade bidden oferecer, convidar, ordenar, desejar, leiloar
to bind bound bound atar, amarrar, obrigar
to bite bit bitten morder, engolir a isca
to bleed bled bled sangrar, perder sangue;
to blow blew blown soprar, assobiar, fazer soar
to break broke broken quebrar, romper, violar
to breed bred bred procriar, gerar, fazer criação, educar, ensinar
to bring brought brought trazer, servir, causar, executar, induzir
to build built built construir, edificar, fabricar
to burn burnt burnt queimar, incendiar, carbonizar
to burst burst burst arrebentar, explodir, brotar, exclamar
to buy bought bought comprar
to cast cast cast arremessar, jogar, derrubar, moldar
to catch caught caught pegar, capturar, entender, adquirir
to choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir
to cling clung clung pegar-se, unir-se, aderir
to clothe clothed clothed vestir, cobrir
to come came come vir, chegar
to cost cost cost custar
to creep crept crept engatinhar, arrastar-se no chão, andar de rasto
to crow crew crowed cacarejar
to cut cut cut cortar, partir, reduzir, recortar, castrar
to deal dealt dealt dar, distribuir, repartir, dividir, espalhar, negociar
to dig dug dug cavar, escavar