• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: mariaslaviero
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Complete the sentences with a reflexive pronoun
a)The little baby drank all the milk by ... .

b)The pretty bride looked at ... in the mirror.

c)Jordan was proud of ... because he'd worked out well.

d)Do you know how to comb your hair by .... ?

e)The students enjoyed ...... playing soccer last week.

30 pontos


respondido por: Anônimo

a) Himself

b) Herself

c) Himself

d) Yourself

e) Themselves

respondido por: Lethicinea

Oi, olá!

As respostas para o seu exercício são:

  1. "The little baby drank all the milk by himself".
  2. "The pretty bride looked at herself in the mirror".
  3. "Jordan was proud of himself because he'd worked out well".
  4. "Do you know how to comb your hair by yourself?".
  5. "The students enjoyed themselves playing soccer last week".

Espero ter ajudado! Caso ainda tenha dúvidas, consulte o site https://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/pronomes3.php.

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