Me ajudem na lição 16 T2... Urgente
O exercício pede para você reescrever as sentenças utilizando that's right e not really , no primeiro caso é só escrever that's right e copiar o resto , por isso vou fazer só o caso do " Not really "onde é necessário negar a sentença com o pronome respectivo e elaborar uma resposta como convém .
A) Not really . He doesn't work at an office . He works as a truck driver .
B)Not really. It doesn't have 80 lessons . Actually , it has 100 lessons .
D)Not really . He doesn't play the electric guitar . He enjoys playing the flute .
E)Not really.i don't have to go downtown today. I have to stay home to take care of my little brother.
F)Not really. They don't like to drink chocolate milk for breakfest. They prefer to drink orange juice for breakfast.
G)Not really . They don't eat meat . They eat leaves and tree branches .
H)Not really . They do understand me when i speak English . They enjoy listening to me when i speak English .