1. Diálogo em inglês usando going to e Will com dois personagens e 8 falas cada personagem.
Paul: Hey John!
John: Hello, Paul! Are you going to the party today?
Paul: Wait, what party? Jessica's?
John: Yes! I'm so happy we will see each other again!
Paul: Of course! I was just going to the shopping center to buy her a gift.
John: Oh my god! I totally forgot this detail! Can I go with you? Otherwise she will kill me!
Paul: Yeah, c'mon! What are you going to buy?
John: I don't know yet...
Paul: I guess she would love some makeup or clothes.
John: True! What about this dress? Is it going to fit her well?
Paul: Not so sure about that. She has gained some weight since last time we were together.
John: Oh ok. But look at those Jeans! It's the best thing I found till now.
Paul: I'm pretty sure she will love it!
John: As I know the cashier lady, I could get us some discounts!
Paul: That would be amazing!
John: See? Nobody's going to tell that you bought those beautiful Jeans for only $15!