Only when I lose myself - Depeche Mode
It's only when I lose myself with someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
Alone - Godhead
She hides- me away
Can't speak- or convey
Secrets- about herself
She holds- all the things
That keep her- lingering
I take her- inside myself
Underneath the sky - Oasis
All he needs is his life in a suitcase
It belongs to a friend of a friend's
And as we drink to ourselves
We'll amuse ourselves
Underneath the sky
Underneath the sky again
Underneath the sky again
A seguir alguns trechos de músicas em inglês que possuem pronomes reflexivos na letra:
- Paramore - I Caught Myself
"Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought"
- Beyoncé - Me, Myself and I
"Me, myself and I
That's all I got in the end"
- Justin Bieber - Love Yourself
"And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself"
Quais são os pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns)?
- Myself
- Yourself
- Himself
- Herself
- Itself
- Ourselves
- Yourselves
- Themselves
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