• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: michelledeguima
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Replace the icons with verbs from exercise 1 to complete the following test about the color mauve, a "lucky discovery". Write the answers in your notebook.

in 1856 the chemist Willian Perkin was to fins a cure for malaria when his esperiments produced a dark sludge.
it____________ a disappointing result, but Perkin noticed the color, It was a particular chade iof purple the compoud that produced the color - mauve - and _______________________ it worked well as a dye. Within a year, Perkin ___________ his synthetic dye, the first synthetic dye ever made, and opened a company to make and sell it.
phtos: Sir Willian Perkin in the lab; galsses with mauve shad lenses, the colour that Perkin creat and ______________popular.


respondido por: diegoalvesbazeth

INGLÊS In 1856, the chemist William Perkin was trying to find a cure for malaria when his experiments produced a dark mud. He had a disappointing result, but Perkin noticed the color. It was a particular shade of purple, which seemed to be a warm color at this time. It was able to isolate the compound produced mauve color-tone of a black-and it worked well as a dye. Within a year, Perkin produced his synthetic dye, the first synthetic dye already done, and started a company to make and sell it. Photos: Sir William Henry Perkin in the laboratory; sunglasses with lilac shade lenses, the color Perkin created and started to manufacture and sell synthetic dye. Popularly.   PORTUGUÊS Em 1856, o químico William Perkin estava tentando encontrar uma cura para a malária quando seus experimentos produziram uma lama escura. Ele teve um resultado decepcionante, mas Perkin notou a cor. Foi um determinado tom de roxo, o qual parecia ser uma cor quente no momento. Ele foi capaz de isolar o composto que produziu a cor-malva-um tom de roxo e ela funcionou bem como um corante. Dentro de um ano, Perkin produziu seu corante sintético, o primeiro corante sintético já feito, e abriu uma empresa para fazer e vendê-lo. Fotos: Sir William Perkin no laboratório; óculos com lentes de sombra lilás, a cor que Perkin criou e passou a fabricar e vender corante sintético. Popularmente.

michelledeguima: Obrigada por responder, mas ainda estou em dúvida. Poderia me ajudar? Achei que seria só completar. Por exemplo: it____________ a disappointing result, but Perkin noticed the color, It was a particular chade iof purple the compoud that produced the color - mauve - and .
diegoalvesbazeth: tem que fazer algo mais?
respondido por: Anônimo

was, happened, realised, patented, became.

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