Ambicioso Which of the alternatives below is correct? A) If she were you, she will probably do the same. B) If she was you, she would probably have done the same. C) If she is you, she would probably do the same. D) If she were you, she would probably do the same. Could you please explain your choice and analyzing per alternaltives discarding unselected ?
A alternativa (a) já está errada pelo fato do she está acompanhado do were, isso não é correto, pois no lugar de were deveria ter was.
A alternativa(b) está correta, pois o she está acompanhado do was, e também o outro she está seguido de would, é bom ressaltar que esse would é equivalente a poderia. Logo a frase fica o seguinte: Se ela fosse você,ela provavelmente faria(would+do)o mesmo.
A alternativa (c) está errada, é bom deixar claro que não é "pecado" deixar o she com o is , no entanto nessa frase não ajuda muito na compreensão.
A alternativa (d) está errada pelo mesmo motivo da (a).
Alternative D is the right one.
This structure is called second conditional. It has the following structure: If + subjunctive mood , would.
As the subjunctive mood is rarely used nowadays, it's been sort of agreed on calling the if clause verb tense simple past - mostly because it works in most situations. However, when it comes to using the verb to be in the second conditional, the subjunctive mood comes into action and requires the verb be put in that mood when using he, she or it.
The other alternatives are wrong because they neither follow the second conditional structure nor any mixed conditional structures.