The regular periodic payments that a borrower agrees to make to a lender. The definitions above refers to: A) Shares B)Installments C)Interest Rate D) Working Capital. Could you explain me all alternatives descarted and also, why your choice correspond with correct alternative? Correct alternative is one.
Alternative B. Installments debt.
According to the US Financial Group, interest rate is "the periodic charge, expressed as a percentage, for use of credit."
According to the Financial Dictionary, a share is "a certificate giving the person or company listed a portion of ownership in a stock, mutual fund, or some other investment vehicle. A share is the smallest unit of ownership. They may be bought or sold on or off an exchange;" and a working capital is "defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. There are some variations in how working capital is calculated. Variations include the treatment of short-term debt. In addition, current assets may or may not include cash and cash equivalents, depending on the company."