This soup is as good as mine
Douglas is as gorgeous as Júlia
Pedro is as brilliant as me
This tree is as big as that other one
1 - A garota loira sabe tocar violino com mais velocidade e qualidade do que a garota de cabelos castanhos
2 - O gato preto é mais veloz e mais ágil do que o gato de cor caramelo
3 - A minha vizinhaça é menos violenta do que a vizinhança onde minha tia e meu tio moram
4 - A escola onde estudei está mais linda agora do que na época que eu a frequentava
5 - O carro vermelho é mais veloz do que o carro rosa
1 - The blonde girl can play the violin faster and better than the brown-haired girl
2 - The black cat is faster and more agile than the caramel colored cat
3 - My neighborhood is less violent than the neighborhood where my aunt and uncle live.
4 - The school where I studied is prettier now than I was attending
5 - The red car is faster than the pink car
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