• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: lidiaroses123
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1.We ---------------------(go) to see the fireworks
if Dad ------------------(not work )in summer.
2. Supermarkets -------------------------(disappear)
if we-------( go) on doing our shopping on the net.
3. Sally--------------------------(manage) to become
a fashion designer if she -----(go) to Paris.
4. Sam--------------------------------(double) year 8
at school if he ------------------(not work) more!!
5. Nuclear plants -----------------------------(close)
if we--------------( use) more renewable energies.
6. My neighbours -------------------------(get)
married when they both------------( have) a job.
7. Ben -------------------------(arrive) late at school
if he -------------------------(not hurry) a little!
8. We------------------------(all go) on holidays by
the sea in August.
9. Molly ---------------------------(get) her degree
if she---------------------------(study) hard.
10. Allan ----------------------(go) bungee jumping
as a challenge!
11. There --------------------(be) more huge fires if
temperatures -------------------( keep) going up.
12. Karen --------------------(ask) to divorce Max if
he--------------------(not stop) meeting other girls!
13. We --------------------(read) books any more if
they -------------------(be all) replaced by tablets.
14. We ---------------------(have) to sell the house
if we both ---------------------(loose) our jobs.
15. David --------------------------------(celebrate)
his third birthday soon.
16. Steven -----------------------(become) real fat
if he ---------------------(not stop) eating so much!
17. Many houses ---------------------(be) destroyed
by the coming tornadoes in the USA this summer.
18. All whales -----------------------(disappear) if
hunting ---------------------(not be) prohibited .
19. Many people -------------------------(have) to
move if sea levels ------------------(go) on rising!
20. If you----------------------(not stop) drinking
before taking your car, you ------------------(have)
a car accident, Sean!!
21. Fewer people ----------------------(go) skiing if
there-------------------(not be) much snow!
22. You ---------------------( not miss) your train if
you---------------------(take ) a taxi!
23. My sister------------------(work) on an organic
24. They -------------------(sail) around the world
for a whole year if it ------------(be ) possible


respondido por: leticiasunto

1. we will go to see the fireworks if dad won´t work in summer

2. Supermarkets will disappear if we go on doing our shopping on the net.

3. Sally will manage to become a fashion designer if she goes to Paris.

4.Sam will double year 8 at school if he doesn't work more.

5. Nuclear plants will close if we use more renewable energies.

6. My neighbours will get married when they both have a jobe.

7. Ben will arrive late at school if he doesn't hurry a little!

8. We will all go on holidays by the sea in August.

9. Molly will get her degree if she studies hard.

10. Allan will go bungee jumping as a challenge

11. There will be more huge fires if temperatures keeps going up.

12. Karen will ask to divorce Max if he doesn't stop meeting other girls!

13. We will not read books any more if they all be replaced by tablet.

14. We will have to sell the house if we both loose our jobs

15. David will celebrate his third birthday soon

16. Steven will become real fat if he doesn't stop eating so much!

17. Many houses will be destroyed by coming tornadoes in the USA this summer.

18. All whales will disappear if hunting does not be prohibited

19. many people will have to move if sea levels goes on rising

20. If you don't stop drinking before taking your car, you will have a car accident, sean!

21. Fewer people will go skiing if there don't be much snow

22. You will not miss your train if you take a taxi

23. my sister works on an organic farm

24. The will sail around the world for a whole year if it is possible

lidiaroses123: muito obrigada!!
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