• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Ednalvamenezes44
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Me ajudem por favorrr

1) Assinale a opção correta em cada alternativa.

A) ( )Where you go on vacation ?
( ) Where do you go on vacation?

B) ( ) This party is great! Everybody is dancing.
( ) This party is great! Everybody dances.

C) ( ) I no have a video game.
( ) I don't have a video game.

D) ( ) They always draw wonderful flowers.
( ) They are always drawing wonderful flowers.

E) ( ) You don't listen to music in the enening.
( ) You not listening to music in the enening.

F) ( ) Mark doesn't take a shower now.
( ) Mark isn't taking a shower now.


respondido por: RaquelDeSouzaSilva

A ()


B) (×)


C) ()


D) (×)


E) ()


F) ()


respondido por: LockedGIRL

a) Where do you go on vacation?

b) This party is great! Everybody os dancing

c) I don't have a video game

d) They are always drawing wonderful flowers

e) You don't listen to music in the evening

f) Mark isn't taking a shower now

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