• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: victorp777
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

alguém me fala 30 verbos irregulares e 30 regulares de inglês??​


respondido por: sophiabmp70

Alguns verbor irregulares

respondido por: favelafpsrj


Infinitivo Passado simples Particípio passado Significado

to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar

to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar

to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar

to bear bore borne suportar, aguentar

to beat beat beaten bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar

to become became become tornar-se

to begin began begun começar, iniciar

to bend bent bent curvar, entortar, franzir, dirigir, desistir

to bet bet bet apostar

to bid bade bidden oferecer, convidar, ordenar, desejar, leiloar

to bind bound bound atar, amarrar, obrigar

to bite bit bitten morder, engolir a isca

to bleed bled bled sangrar, perder sangue;

to blow blew blown soprar, assobiar, fazer soar

to break broke broken quebrar, romper, violar

to breed bred bred procriar, gerar, fazer criação, educar, ensinar

to bring brought brought trazer, servir, causar, executar, induzir

to build built built construir, edificar, fabricar

to burn burnt burnt queimar, incendiar, carbonizar

to burst burst burst arrebentar, explodir, brotar, exclamar

to buy bought bought comprar

to cast cast cast arremessar, jogar, derrubar, moldar

to catch caught caught pegar, capturar, entender, adquirir

to choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir

to cling clung clung pegar-se, unir-se, aderir

to clothe clothed clothed vestir, cobrir

to come came come vir, chegar

to cost cost cost custar

to creep crept crept engatinhar, arrastar-se no chão, andar de rasto

to crow crew crowed cacarejar

to cut cut cut cortar, partir, reduzir, recortar, castrar

to deal dealt dealt dar, distribuir, repartir, dividir, espalhar, negociar

to dig dug dug cavar, escavar

to do did done fazer

to draw drew drawn desenhar, extrair, sair

to drink drank drunk beber

to drive drove driven dirigir, guiar

to dwell dwelt dwelt residir, ficar por um tempo, enfatizar, insistir em

to eat ate eaten comer

to fall fell fallen cair, desaguar, abater-se, decrescer, diminuir

to feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir

to feel felt felt sentir, notar

to fight fought fought lutar, brigar

to find found found achar, encontrar

to flee fled fled fugir, escapar, evitar, correr

to fling flung flung lançar, arremessar

to fly flew flown voar

to forbid forbade forbidden proibir

to forget forgot forgotten esquecer(-se)

to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

to forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; abrir mão de

to freeze froze frozen congelar, gelar

to get got got obter, conseguir

to give gave given dar

to go went gone ir

to grow grew grown crescer, florescer, germinar

to hang hung hung pendurar, suspender

to have had had ter, possuir

to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias

to heave hove hove puxar

to hew hewed hewn reduzir, talhar

to hide hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar

to hit hit hit bater, chocar-se

to hold held held segurar, agarrar

to hurt hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar

to keep kept kept manter, conservar, preservar

to kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar-se

to knit knit knit tricotar

to know knew known saber, conhecer

to lay laid laid pôr, colocar, derrubar, deitar

to lead led led conduzir, liderar, dirigir, comandar

to leap leapt leapt saltar, pular, transportar, cobrir (os animais)

to learn learnt learnt aprender, ficar sabendo

to leave left left partir, deixar, sair

to lend lent lent emprestar

to let let let permitir, deixar

to lie lay lain deitar, jazer

to light lit lit acender, iluminar

to lose lost lost perder


Infinitivo Significado Conjugação

To act Agir Acted

To achieve Conquistar Achieved

To admire Admirar Admired

To agree Concordar Agreed

To appear Aparecer Appeared

To believe Acreditar Believed

To belong Pertencer Belonged

To blame Culpar Blamed

To borrow Emprestar Borrowed

To bother Incomodar Bothered

To call Ligar Called

To cancel Cancelar Canceled

To carry Carregar Carried

To cause Causar Caused

To clean Limpar Cleaned

To climb Escalar Climbed

To close Fechar Closed

To complete Completar Completed

To continue Continuar Continued

To cook Cozinhar Cooked

To correct Corrigir Corrected

To crash Bater, quebrar Crashed

To dance Dançar Danced

To decide Decidir Decided

To deliver Entregar Delivered

To depend Depender Depended

To design Desenhar, conceber Designed

To disagree Discordar Disagreed

To discover Descobrir Discovered

To dress Vestir Dressed

To enjoy Aproveitar Enjoyed

To exercise Exercitar Exercised

To expect Esperar (expectativa) Expected

To film Filmar Filmed

To fill Preencher Filled

To fix Consertar Fixed

To follow Seguir Followed

To grab Agarrar Grabbed

To guess Adivinhar Guessed

To handle Manusear Handled

To help Ajudar Helped

To hurry Apressar Hurried

To ignore Ignorar Ignored

To imagine Imaginar Imagined

To invite Convidar Invited

To jump Pular Jumped

To like Gostar Liked


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