• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: sge45
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. USE the SIMPLE
1-She__________________ to the bank every day. (go)
2.-.He __________________ Italian once a week. (study)
3-They ___________________coffee in the morning. ( not drink)
4-._________ she ___________ the guitar?
5-.What _________ you ____________ for lunch? (have)
6-_____________ they _____________their aunt every week? (do)
7-Henry ____________________ television in the morning.(watch)
8-We ___________________to the radio every afternoon. (listen)
9-He_________________________ at 9 am. (not get up)
10-They _____________________ a song every night. (not sing)
2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. USE the PRESENT
1. They __________________________________ a book now (write)
2 I _____________________________________ the dictionary now.. (not use)
3. She __________________________________ a text message now. (send)
4. We ___________________________________ soccer now. (not play)
5. You __________________________________ dinner now. (cook)
6. Helen ____________________________ the clothes at the moment. (wash)
7. I _______________________________ studying Maths at the moment. (study)
8. Our friends ____________________________ now. (sleep)
9.My mother _______________________________now. (not work)
10. ______ you __________________ now? (eat)
3. Complete the questions with DO, DOES, DON’T or DOESN’T.
1 - _________ they live in London ? No, __________________________.
2- ________your mother buy many shoes? No, _____________________.
3 - _________ you love writing letters? Yes, _________________________.
4 - _________Mary watch television at night? Yes, ____________________.
5 - _________ John and Milla work in bank? No, _____________________.
6- __________ the boys usually play volleyball? Yes, _____________________.
7- __________ the boy have a new byke? No, _________________________.
8- __________ your brother cook well? Yes, _________________________.
9- _____________ the students go to school every day? Yes, _______________
10- ____________ you uncle speak French? No, _______________________.
4. Complete the sentences with: Am / Am not, Is / Isn’t, Are /Aren’t.
1- __________ she playing the piano? No, _____________________.
2- __________ I studying French? No, __________________________.
3- __________ they drinking milk? Yes, _______________________.
4- __________ she listening to music? Yes, ______________________.
5- __________ they talking to their grandma? No, __________________.
6- ____________ the girls doing their homework? No, ______________.
7- ____________ the car very expensive? Yes, ___________________.
8- ____________ the cars very small? No, _________________________.
9- ____________ your teacher? Yes, ___________________________.
10- ___________ the lessons very difficult? No, _____________________.


respondido por: rklsilveira

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. USE the SIMPLE


1-She GOES to the bank every day. (go)

2.-.He STUDIES Italian once a week. (study)

3-They DON´T DRINK coffee in the morning. ( not drink)

4-.DOES she PLAY the guitar?

5-.What DO you HAVE for lunch? (have)

6-DO they DO their aunt every week? (do)

7-Henry WATCHES television in the morning.(watch)

8-We LISTENS to the radio every afternoon. (listen)

9-He DOESN´T GET UP at 9 am. (not get up)

10-They DON´T SING a song every night. (not sing)

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. USE the PRESENT


1. They ARE WRITING a book now (write)

2 I AM NOT USING the dictionary now.. (not use)

3. She IS SENDING a text message now. (send)

4. We ARE NOT PLAYING soccer now. (not play)

5. You ARE COOKING dinner now. (cook)


6. Helen IS WASHING the clothes at the moment. (wash)

7. I AM studying Maths at the moment. (study)

8. Our friends ARE SLEPPING now. (sleep)

9.My mother ISN´T WORKING now. (not work)

10. ARE you EATTING now? (eat)

3. Complete the questions with DO, DOES, DON’T or DOESN’T.

1 - DO they live in London ? No, THEY DON´T

2- DOES your mother buy many shoes? No, SHE DOESN´T

3 - DO you love writing letters? Yes, I DO

4 - DOES Mary watch television at night? Yes, SHE DOES

5 - DO John and Milla work in bank? No, THEY DON´T

6- DO the boys usually play volleyball? Yes, THEY DO

7- DOES the boy have a new byke? No, HE DOESN´T

8-DOES your brother cook well? Yes, HE DOES

9- DO the students go to school every day? Yes, THEY DO

10-DOES your uncle speak French? No, HE DOESN´T

4. Complete the sentences with: Am / Am not, Is / Isn’t, Are /Aren’t.

1- IS she playing the piano? No, SHE ISN´T

2- AM I studying French? No, AM NOT

3- ARE  they drinking milk? Yes, THEY ARE

4- IS she listening to music? Yes, SHE IS

5- ARE they talking to their grandma? No, THEY AREN´T

6- ARE the girls doing their homework? No, THEY AREN´T

7- IS the car very expensive? Yes, IT IS.

8- IS the cars very small? No, IT ISN´T.

9- ARE you a teacher? Yes, I AM

10-ARE the lessonS very difficult? No, THEY AREN´T

respondido por: anaclaudialara

1) Completando as sentenças com os verbs entre parênteses, usando o Simple Present, temos:

1. goes

2. studies

3. don't drink

4. Does / play

5. do / have

6. Do / do

7. watches

8. listen

9. doesn't get up

10. don't sing

2) Fazendo o mesmo, com Present Progressive:

1. are writing

2. am not using

3. is sending

4. aren't playing

5. are cooking

6. is washing

7. am studying

8. are sleeping

9. isn't working

10. Are / eating

3) Completando as lacunas com do, does, don't e doesn't, temos:

1. Do / Don't

2. Does / doesn't

3. Do / do

4. Does / does

5. Do / don't

6. Do / do

7. Does / doesn't

8. Does / does

9. Do / do

10. Does / doesn't

4) Preenchendo os espaços com am, am not, is, isn't, are, aren't, temos:

1. Is / isn't

2. Am / am not

3. Are / are

4. Is / is

5. Are / aren't

6. Are / aren't

7. Is / is

8. Are / aren't

9. Is / is

10. Are / aren't

Presente Simples

O Simple Present é usado quando as pessoas querem falar de ações que ocorrem de forma constante no tempo presente.

Exemplo: work (trabalhar), dormir (sleep), comer (eat) etc.

No verbo to be, que é irregular, a conjugação verbal do Presente, nas frases afirmativas, é:

  • I am (perceba que nessa pessoa a forma do verbo muda)
  • You are
  • He, She, It is (perceba que nessas pessoas a forma do verbo muda)
  • We are
  • You are
  • They are

Na interrogativa, inverte-se o verbo e a pessoa:

  • Am I
  • Are you
  • Is He, She, It
  • Are We
  • Are You
  • Are They

Na negativa, acrescenta-se o not, que pode se contrair, unindo-se ao verbo (menos na primeira pessoa, cuja contração se dará apenas entre ela e o verbo)

  • I am not / I'm not
  • You are not / You're not / You aren't
  • He, She, It is not / He's, She's, It's not / He, She, It isn't
  • We are not / We're not / We aren't
  • You are not / You're not / You aren't
  • They are not / They're not / They aren't

Para os demais, se forem verbos regulares:

  • afirmativa, você deve acrescentar um "es", "ies" ou "s" ao final deles, quando conjugados, para as pessoas "she", "he" e "it";
  • interrogativa: use o does para He, She e It e o do para as outras pessoas, colocando-os antes delas;
  • negativa: use o does seguido de not para He, She e It, e o do seguido de not para as demais pessoas.

Obs.: o do e o does também podem se juntar ao not = doesn't / don't.

Para saber mais sobre o Presente Simples, acesse: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/13501235

Present Continuous

O Presente Progressivo é utilizado para se falar sobre ações que estão ocorrendo nesse exato momento, ou algo que estão em processo. Sua estrutura se dá da seguinte maneira:

  • verbo to be + gerúndio (ou seja, a terminação "ing" após os verbos principais).

Na afirmativa, temos:

  • Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo principal + ing + resto da frase.
  • She is go ing to school now.
  • She is going to school now. = Ela está indo para a escola agora.

Na interrogativa, temos a inversão entre sujeito e verbo:

  • Verbo to be + sujeito + verbo principal + ing + fim da frase.
  • Is she go ing to school now?
  • Is she going to school now? = Ela está indo para a escola agora?

Na negativa, acrescenta-se o not após o verbo to be:

  • Sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo principal + ing + fim da frase.
  • She is not go ing to school now.
  • She is not going to school now./ She isn't going to school now./ She's not going to school now = Ela não está indo para a escola agora.

Para saber mais sobre o Present Continuous, acesse: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/14186546

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