Frase 1: Ela tira boas notas nas provas.
SP: She gets good grades on the tests.
N: She doesn't get good grades on the tests.
I: Does she get good grades in the tests?
N&I: Doesn't she get good grades on the tests?
Frase 2: Nós olhamos TV todos os dias.
SP: We watch tv every day.
N: We don't watch tv every day.
I: Do we watch tv every day?
N&I: Don't we watch tv every day?
Frase 3 : Ele gosta de ouvir musica.
SP: He likes to listen music.
N: He doesn't like to listen music.
I: Does he like to listen music?
N&I: Doesn't he like to listen music?
Frase 4: Meu gato come apenas sardinha.
SP: My cat eats only sardines.
N: My cat doesn't eat only sardines.
I: Does my cat eat only sardines?
N&I: Doesn't my cat eat only sardines?
Frase 5: Eu tenho dois gatos e um cachorro.
SP: I have two cats and one dog.
N : I don't have two cats and one dog.
I: Do I have two cats and one dog?
N&I: Don't I have two cats and one dog?