Sing → Sings
Watch → Watches
Writes → Writes
Study → Studies
Simple present:
(Affirmative) (Afirmativas)
verbo: to have
I have
you have
he has
she has
it has
you have
we have
they have
verbo: to sing
I sing
you sing
he sings
she sings
it sings
you sing
we sing
they sing
verbo: to watch
I watch
you watch
he watches
she watches
it watches
you watch
we watch
they watch
verbo: to write
I write
you write
he writes
she writes
it writes
you write
we write
they write
verbo: to study
I study
you study
he studies
she studies
it studies
you study
we study
they study
Note que quando o verbo está na terceira pessoa do singular há uma mudança no verbo. Na maioria dos verbos adicionamos a letra "s" ao final da palavra, exemplos: dance - dances, write - writes, sing - sings.
Há outros casos como:
- Verbos que terminam com -ss, -sh, -ch, -x e -o se adiciona ao final do verbo o -es. Exemplos: kiss - kisses, wash - washes, watch - watches.
- Verbos que terminam com consoante + y, retiramos o y e adicionamos o -ies. Exemplos: study - studies, cry - cries, fly - flies.
- Verbos que terminam com vogal + y, adicionamos um -s ao final do verbo. Exemplos: play - plays, say - says, enjoy - enjoys.
Espero que tenha tirado a sua dúvida! :)