20/maio 9:55
Produza um texto com os verbos (Do,Play,Go,Make) e as expressões de tempo (yesterday,last month,week,year)
Produza um texto falando sobre as atividades que você costuma fazer.
As atividades que eu faço são essa mais não sei como produzir o texto :
•Atividades aeróbicas (caminhada, corrida)
•Ciclismo (só precisa de uma bicicleta)
Por favor me ajudem
I love playing sports and I do it every day. But I would like to make a short of my sports routine since last year.
Well, last year I started running in a park near home. In the beginning, it was only for fun and I made lots of friends. Soon, we were on events and earning some medals. Last month I went to the beach with these friends, but we didn’t use car or bus. Believe me or not, we went by bicycle! I know it sounds crazy but it’s true! And we were cycling very fast that day.
Last week I was skating in the same park when I use to run and guess what? They are having some events and I discovered that I could earn some medals even skating!
Yesterday was the event and there we were, my friends and I, skating with our rollerblades and earning some medals again! We are the best and we know that! Wish us lucky because next month we are going to travel to another city, just to compete more and earn medals!