• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: ellina86
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

conjugue o verbo to be no presente contínuo nas três formas verbais com os seguintes verbos
a) stop
b) love
c) say
d) lie
e) make
f) see​


respondido por: rafaghn

creio que as 3 formas verbais que tá se referindo na questão sejam afirmativa/negativa/interrogativa, já que o tempo verbal já foi estabelecido como presente contínuo, então:

a - the traffic officer is stopping the cars

is the traffic officer is stopping the cars?

the traffic officer isn't stopping the cars

b - she is loving Gabriel

is she loving Gabriel?

she isn't loving Gabriel

c - he is saying how much he loves her

is he saying how much he loves her?

he isn't saying how much he loves her

d - they are lying to you

are they lying to you?

they aren't lying to you

e - they are making a newer computer

are they making a newer computer?

they aren't making a newer computer

f - we are seeing the fireworks

are we seeing the fireworks?

we aren't seeing the fireworks

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