((PUC – 2005) TEXT 01 - Read the text and answer the questions from 01 to 04.
There’s a quiet revolution taking place in classrooms all around the country. Its main idea is that all children are smart, and the job of teachers and parents is to help children find the style of learning that uses their natural intelligence.
The teachers in these classrooms are putting into practice a theory which was developed by professors at Harvard University: the multiple intelligence (MI) theory. This theory challenges traditional ideas about intelligence. It also questions the value of intelligence tests. MI researchers point out that traditional teaching and testing focus only on two of the seven kinds of intelligence that people possess – language and logic skills. So children who don’t learn in a style that depends on them are called inadequate.
According to Thomas Armstrong, author of Seven Kinds of Smart, the children are fine, but the teaching methods are inadequate. “In traditional education, we try to remake students to get them to learn in our way. In fact, we need to remake the way we teach so that it fits the student,” he explains. “We need to recognize that different children learn in different ways and that all ways of learning are okay. Then we will really be in the business of education,” he adds.
He also points out that all children can use each of the learning styles but some are stronger than others. Students naturally use one or more of their stronger styles. Armstrong notes that a learner’s preferred style this year may change next year. “Two and three-year olds are body smart,” he says as an example. “They learn by touching, feeling and doing. As children grow and change, they develop other strengths.”
It would be a mistake to focus on one intelligence, as the goal should be to expand, not limit, each learners potential. Let children use their special gifts, but also encourage them to explore all of the intelligences.
That’s the road to discovery.
(EDIGER,Anne & PAVLIK,Cheryl. Reading Connections. New York, Oxford University Press, 2000. Adapted.)
QUESTÃO 01 (Descritor: identificar informação explícita no texto.)
Assunto: Reading Comprehension.
The main idea in the text is that
a) children should use only two kinds of intelligence.
b) educators should find each child’s best way of learning.
c) parents should not interfere in their children’s learning process.
d) teachers should develop seven kinds of intelligence.
e) directors and family should find other ways to influence children.
QUESTÃO 02 (Descritor: reconhecer pronome no texto.)
Assunto: Pronoun.
In “It also questions the value of intelligence tests.” The word it (line 6) refers to the
a) logic skill
b) language skill
c) traditional teaching
d) MI theory
e) Harvard.
QUESTÃO 02 (Descritor: identificar a que se refere o conectivo do texto.)
Assunto: Grammar.
In “So children who don’t learn….” The word so (line 09) conveys an idea of
a) contrast
b) condition
c) conclusion
d) concession
e) reason
QUESTÃO 03 (Descritor: identificar informação explícita no texto.)
Assunto: Reading Comprehension.
ACCORDING to Thomas Armstrong children should be encouraged to
a) help their teachers and parents
b) start a revolution in the classroom
c) use their natural intelligence
d) pass intelligence tests.
e) study more hours a day.
QUESTÃO 04 (Descritor: identificar informação explícita no texto.)
Assunto: Reading Comprehension.
Thomas Armstrong thinks that teachers should
a) adapt their teaching methods to their students.
b) remake students to get them to learn in the teacher’s way.
c) recognize their teaching methods are always inadequate.
d) invest their money in the education business.
e) develop new strategies to help in class.
respondido por:
The main idea in the text is that
b) educators should find each child’s best way of learning.
Assunto: Pronoun.
d) MI theory
Assunto: Grammar.
c) conclusion
Assunto: Reading Comprehension.
c) use their natural intelligence
Assunto: Reading Comprehension
a) adapt their teaching methods to their students
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