• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: mariainesf53
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Texto sobre as vantagens e desvantagens da tecnologia (em inglês)


respondido por: CPMGhellen


The ADVANTAGES of technological advancement are:

- Easy communication for negotiation between countries. With the internet it is much easier and faster to negotiate with foreign companies.

- You can buy products online without leaving home, having the comfort and practicality to search prices without having to go from store to store.

- High technology machines offer top quality products to end consumers.

- Speed ​​of information. Imagine you these days having to send any document or information by letter? There is no way, so emails, chats, social networks are available to ensure better information speed.

THE DISADVANTAGES of technological advancement:

- The machines are replacing the human workforce, causing people to seek another qualification to stay in the job market.

- Internet scams with cloned cards.

- Virtual friendships: some people isolate themselves from society by making only virtual friendships and staying in this world.

- People who invade systems and machines to steal and damage personal and confidential information. A law was passed to punish this type of virtual crime.

- Vices in electronic games

- Social networks and the internet can also hinder the performance of the employee who is connected to these networks all the time.


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