• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: ChweHarumi
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Leia o texto abaixo e marque somente as alternativas corretas.


Doing housework is just a part of life that most people don't enjoy, but they know it is important. Some
people hire home cleaning services and some people just do it. A clear household chore list is
important to keep the household and everything tidy. It's a good idea to start with a Master List and
then break it down into individual lists for each member of the family. In this way, all the chores are
divided equally and no one has an unfair amount of work to do to keep the home in shape.

Glossary: doing – fazer/ most – maioria / hire - contratar/ cleaning - limpeza / keep – manter
break it down - divider / equally – igualmente
– organizador master - principal .
injusta / no one – ninguém / amount - quantidade / shape - forma

6-( ) It's a good idea to make lists with household chores.
7-( ) Household chores are not important.
8-( ) Only one member of the family is responsible for the household chores.
9-( ) Some people hire home cleaning services.
10 - ( ) If you make individual lists for each member of the family all chores are divided equally.​


respondido por: ndahora


6 - Certa

9 - Certa

10 - Certa


Espero ter ajudado ;)

respondido por: lassis602


De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que contém somente “household chores”:*Lembrem-se: utilizem o dicionário, caso necessário! *

1 ponto

A ( ) on the weekend, order a pizza, watch a movie.

B ( ) are at college, fix my bed, collect dirty socks.

C ( ) share a flat, have a lot of time, fix my bed.

D ( ) clean the bathroom, empty the rubbish, wacuum the carpet.

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