• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: RitaLeenda
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Me ajudem!!! Preciso de uma resposta rápido



respondido por: rafaghn

1 - jack wouldn't have met his wife, if he hadn't gone to Barcelona

2 - we wouldn't have traveled first class, if we hadn't won the lottery

3 - if meg hadn't forgotten to add baking powder to the recipe, the cake would have risen

4 - tony's team wouldn't have lost, if their quarterback hadn't gotten sick.

5 - if we hadn't subscribed to the sports channel, we wouldn't have watched the super bowl at home

third conditional: oração if no passado perfeito (had + verbo no particípio), oração principal com "would have" + verbo no particípio

RitaLeenda: Te amo
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