• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Thalyta115
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Os nomes dos esportes principais em inglês, bem como dos principais lances e fundamentos


respondido por: mayaravieiraj

Dentre os esportes mais populares do mundo estão Futebol, criquete, hóquei de campo , tênis, vôlei e basquete.

Amongst the most popular sports around the world are: soccer, volleyball, basketball and field hockey

These sports are player all around the world and they have lots of rules. For exmplo, soccer players cant touch the soccer ball using the hands. This is only allowed for the goalkeeper, that defends the goal from the rival team.

In Volleyball games the rules is the toal opposite, the players cant use their feet to touch the volleyball

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