• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: let12ofc
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

preciso pra amanhã no meu curso de ingles

traduza para ingles os seguintes textos:


No país alemão, a tradição de aniversário mais popular é válida para homens que chegaram aos 30 anos sem se casar. No dia do aniversário, eles saem varrendo as ruas da vizinhança onde moram e, para deixar a tarefa mais difícil, seus amigos os seguem, espalhando sujeira nos locais já varridos. Essa tarefa ingrata só acaba quando o trintão conseguir o beijo de uma mulher.

3 — Irlanda

Supersticiosos desde sempre, os irlandeses parabenizam as crianças deixando-as de cabeça para baixo e batendo a caixola das pobrezinhas levemente no chão, sendo uma batida para cada ano de vida. O ritual, segundo eles, serve para trazer boa sorte.

4 — México

Eis uma tradição de aniversário que acabou ficando popular em outros lugares do mundo, especialmente nos EUA. Os mexicanos comemoram a chegada da nova idade com a piñata, que é aquele animalzinho feito de papel e recheado de balas e serpentinas. O aniversariante deve estourar a piñata com os olhos vendados para que os doces caiam.

5 — Jamaica

Na Jamaica, o clima de aniversário parece ser uma eterna quinta série. Os aniversariantes jamaicanos são sempre abordados por um balde de farinha que é jogado em cima das vítimas. O lado bom é que a pessoa que faz isso geralmente recompensa o pobre ser humano empanado com um presente em dinheiro ou em doces, caso a vítima seja uma criança.

7 — Dinamarca

O aniversário por lá é um momento para demonstrar patriotismo, então o aniversariante pendura a bandeira do país para fora de casa, antes de qualquer celebração, e a bandeira costuma também estar presente nas decorações das comidas e das festas.


Na costa atlântica do Canadá, o nariz da criança aniversário é lubrificada para a boa sorte. Acredita-se que o nariz untado faz a criança aniversariante protegida contra o azar. Esta tradição tem a fama de ser de origem escocesa.


respondido por: donaldtrumppp04



In Germany, the most popular birthday tradition is valid for men who have reached the age of 30 without getting married. On their birthday, they sweep the streets of the neighborhood where they live and, to make the task more difficult, their friends follow them, spreading dirt on the already swept places. This unpleasant task only ends when the thief gets a woman's kiss.

3 - Ireland

Superstitious ever since, the Irish congratulate the children by letting them upside down and pounding the poor girl's box lightly on the ground, being a hit for every year of life. The ritual, they say, serves to bring good luck.

4 - Mexico

This is a birthday tradition that has become popular in other parts of the world, especially in the USA. Mexicans celebrate the arrival of the new age with the piñata, which is that little animal made of paper and stuffed with candies and streamers. The birthday boy should blow the piñata blindfolded so that the candy falls.

5 - Jamaica

In Jamaica, the birthday mood seems like an eternal fifth grade. Jamaican anniversaries are always approached by a bucket of flour that is thrown over the victims. On the good side is that the person who does this usually rewards the poor human being with a gift of money or candy if the victim is a child.

7 - Denmark

The birthday there is a time to show patriotism, so the birthday boy hangs the country's flag out of the house before any celebration, and the flag is also present in the decorations of food and parties.


On the Atlantic coast of Canada, the child's birthday nose is lubricated for good luck. It is believed that the anointed nose makes the birthday child protected against chance. This tradition is reputed to be of Scottish origin.


respondido por: bela4538

The most popular birthday tradition is that of men who have reached the age of 30 without getting married. On birthdays, they sweep out like the neighborhood street where they live and, to make it harder, their friends follow them, spreading dirt on the swept places. This thankless task only when maturity is the same as a woman's kiss.

3 - Ireland

Supersticious ever since, they Irish congratulate the kids by leaving them upside down and knocking a poor little box on the floor, a beat for every year of their lives. The ritual, they say, serves to offer good luck.

4 - Mexico

Here's a birthday tradition that has become popular elsewhere in the world, especially in the US. Mexicans celebrate the arrival of the new age with a piñata, which is a paper animal stuffed with bullets and streamers. The birthday boy must pop the piñata blindfolded for the candy to fall.

5 - Jamaica

In Jamaica, the birthday mood seems to be an eternal fifth grade. Jamaican birthdays are always distributed by a bucket of flour that is thrown at the victims. The good thing is that the person who does this is the smallest reward of my breaded human being with a gift of money or candy, whether a child or a child.

7 - Denmark

The birthday is a patriotic wedding sign, so the hanging flag is a country flag for a home space, before any celebration, and a flag is also present in the party decorations.


On Canada's Atlantic coast, the child's nose is lubricated for good luck. The nose is believed to have teamed with a child protected from bad luck. This tradition has a reputation for being of Scottish origin.
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