• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: manoelaaaa
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

How did Father’s Day begin?
About six months after the Monongah mining disaster of 1907, in which the small West Virginia town lost over 350 men, Grace Golden Clayton organized an event to honor the fathers killed in the catastrophe—including her own.

On the other side of the country, Sondra Smart Dodd, whose mother died in childbirth, had a similar father-related thought. Inspired by a Mother’s Day sermon she attended in 1909, Dodd believed there should be a corresponding holiday to celebrate fathers. After all, she and her five siblings had been raised by her father and Civil War veteran, William Jackson Smart. Dodd successfully gained support for her idea, and the first Father’s Day was celebrated by Washington State in 1910 in June, the month of her father’s birthday.

Though President Calvin Coolidge publicly supported the holiday in 1924 and President Lyndon B. Johnson issued a proclamation naming the third Sunday in June Father’s Day, it wasn’t until 1972 that President Richard Nixon officially signed Father’s Day as a permanent, national holiday into law.

a)what did Grace G.clayton organize in 1907?
b)what inspired Mrs.Dold celebrates"Father's day?
c)who was William J smart?
d)when was the first "Father day" celebrated?
e)what is the official day of"Father's day"?​


respondido por: thiagovazquez0

Resposta :  Grace Golden Clayton organizou um evento para homenagear os pais mortos na catástrofe - incluindo a dela.

B )  Sondra Smart Dodd cuja mãe morreu no parto, teve um pensamento semelhante ao pai. Inspirada por um sermão do dia das mães em que participou em 1909 afinal, ela e seus cinco irmãos foram criados por seu pai e veterano da Guerra Civil

C) Pai da Sondra s Dodd

D) 1972 oficialmente foi celebrado o dia dos pais

E) 3º domingo de junho

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