4. Answer these questions in your notebook according to the excerpt.
a) How many brothers of the Morgan family are named in the text?
b) Which brother is the bridegroom?
c) What was the bride wearing during the wedding?
d) Who was present at the wedding?
e) Where did the wedding take place?
O texto é narrado por Morgan, ela conta como foi o casamento de seu irmão Ivor com sua noiva Bronwen.
Extrai as partes importantes do texto que possibilitam responder cada pergunta.
a) How many brothers of the Morgan family are named in the text?
4 bothers are named.
Ivor got married to Bronwen in our new chapel as my father wanted.(...)
There was my mother and Bronwen’s crying down in the front, and my father and Bronwen’s standing next to them, and then my older brothers, Ianto, Davy, and Owen.
b) Which brother is the bridegroom?
Ivor is the bridegroom.
"A grand time we had at Ivor’s wedding.
c) What was the bride wearing during the wedding?
She was wearing her grandmother's dress and lace.
But Bronwen.
Everybody said how beautiful she was. She had her great-grandmother’s dress on, so her mother said, and indeed even though it had been washed special, the lace was still looking a bit brownish, or so I thought and no wonder being that old.
d) Who was present at the wedding?
Their family was present at the wedding.
I was down farther with my sisters and my other brother, standing with my aunts and uncles. The Chapel was packed so full there was no room to lift your arms"
e) Where did the wedding take place?
The wedding took place in the new chapel of Morgan's father.
"Ivor got married to Bronwen in our new chapel as my father wanted.(...)
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