• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: yogomes2002
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1. What happened first? number the sentences below from 1, (first event) to 12 (last envent), putting the events in that short story in the correct order. use your notebook to write down the numbers, showing the correct sequence of events.

a) The young man ignored his friend's advice and insisted on pursuing his dream. So he left his village on a very long trip.

b) The man became old, physically weak and tired and no longer thought he would one day reach Sunset Land.

c) The young man was convinced life in Sunset Land would be much better and decided to go and live there.

d) The old man didi not understand why anybody would want to live in Sunset Land

e) Without really planning it, the man ended up returning to the same place where he had lived as a child

f) Two mem watched the time in the evening when the sun goes down below the horizon and one of them was especially impressed by that sight.

g) The man, who by now had become old, discovered that the other man had already died

h) The old man warned the youngster that he would never find that Sunset Land and advised him to stay in their village

i) The man sat by the side of the road and watched the sun set, but now he was alone

j) The man set out on a long difficult journey trying to find a place that he considered better than his own but wasted his life while doing so

k) The young man told the other one that he would love to live in Sunset Land

l) The young man kept marching toward the setting sun on a journey that took him many years.​



respondido por: tgarcia89

f) Two men watched the time in the evening when the sun goes down below the horizon and one of them was especially impressed by that sight.

k) The young man told the other one that he would love to live in Sunset Land.

d) The old man did not understand why anybody would want to live in Sunset Land.

c) The young man was convinced life in Sunset Land would be much better and decided to go and live there.

h) The old man warned the youngster that he would never find that Sunset Land and advised him to stay in their village.

a) The young man ignored his friend's advice and insisted on pursuing his dream. So he left his village on a very long trip.

l) The young man kept marching toward the setting sun on a journey that took him many years.

b) The man became old, physically weak and tired and no longer thought he would one day reach Sunset Land.

j) The man set out on a long difficult journey trying to find a place that he considered better than his own but wasted his life while doing so.

e) Without really planning it, the man ended up returning to the same place where he had lived as a child.

g) The man, who by now had become old, discovered that the other man had already died.

i) The man sat by the side of the road and watched the sun set, but now he was alone.

(Não tenho certeza se essa é a ordem correta, mas é a que mais fez sentido pra mim. Não consegui enxergar o texto na foto)

yogomes2002: obrigado linda, me ajudou muito!!!!
tgarcia89: De nada <3
yogomes2002: Desculpe pela imagem não tão visível, meu celular é horrível, mas obrigado!
tgarcia89: Sem problemas!
respondido por: damianabem

Para colocarmos o texto na ordem correta, escrevemos:

1. f

2. k

3. d

4. c

5. h

6. a

7. l

8. b

9. j

10. e

11. g

12. i

Entendendo a questão e as respostas

1. O que aconteceu primeiro? Numere as frases abaixo de 1, (primeiro evento) a 12 (último evento), colocando os eventos desse conto na ordem correta. Utilize o seu caderno para escrever os números, mostrando a sequência correta dos eventos.

(F) Dois homens observaram o tempo à noite quando o sol se põe abaixo do horizonte e um deles ficou especialmente impressionado com aquela visão.

(K) O jovem disse ao outro que adoraria viver na Terra do Pôr-do-sol.

(D) O velho não entendia por que alguém iria querer viver na Terra do Pôr-do-sol.

(C) O jovem estava convencido de que a vida na Terra do Por do Sol seria muito melhor e decidiu ir morar lá.

(H) O velho avisou ao jovem que nunca encontraria aquela Terra do Pôr do Sol e o aconselhou a permanecer em sua aldeia.

(A) O jovem ignorou os conselhos de seu amigo e insistiu em perseguir seu sonho. Então ele deixou sua aldeia em uma viagem muito longa.

(L) O jovem continuou marchando em direção ao sol poente em uma viagem que o levou muitos anos.

(B) O homem ficou velho, fisicamente fraco e cansado e não pensava mais que um dia chegaria à Terra do Pôr-do-sol.

(J) O homem partiu em uma longa e difícil jornada tentando encontrar um lugar que considerava melhor do que o seu, mas desperdiçou sua vida enquanto o fazia.

(E) Sem realmente planejá-lo, o homem acabou voltando ao mesmo lugar onde havia vivido quando criança.

(G) O homem, que já havia ficado velho, descobriu que o outro homem já havia morrido.

(I) O homem sentou-se à beira da estrada e viu o pôr-do-sol, mas agora estava sozinho.

Veja uma questão semelhante clicando aqui: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/25213114


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