receita bolo de chocolate
Ingredients: 3 Eggs 2 Spoons (Soup) of Butter 1 Cup of milk 2 cups of sugar 2 cups of wheat flour 1 cup of chocolate powder
Mode of doing: Beat in blender; then add 1 spoon of yeast and mix without hitting. Put in a round shape and uncleated to the pre-heated oven in 180 degrees.Por Saher if the cake is ready to fill the fork on the cake; case skirt clean and pq the cake is ready
Coverage (optional) 1 Condented milk can beyond 1 cup of milk 1 Neck milk 1 Milk cup Mix in low fire to up thickening and add a can of cream of the milk in the other handle: 1 Pin of Nutella 1/2 Milk Cool Mix Finalization: Pour in the center of the cake The nutellae cream above the sink cream nest. The used used to run (200ml) and the spoon is soup.
Espero ter ajudado!
- 1 xícara de chá de leite
- 1 xícara de chá de óleo de soja
- 2 unidades de ovo
- 2 xícaras de chá de farinha de trigo
- 1 xícara de chá de achocolatado em pó
- 1 xícara de chá de açúcar
- 1 colheres de sopa de fermento químico em pó
Modo de fazer:
- Coloque os líquidos no liquidificador e bata até misturar bem. Coloque os outros ingredientes, sendo o fermento o último. Leve para assar em forno médio, numa forma untada e enfarinhada.