• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: susanakuster
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Em língua inglesa, na norma padrão-culta, consideramos, basicamente, dois tipos de perguntas: as yes/no questions e as Wh- questions. As primeiras, normalmente, iniciam com um verbo auxiliar que também indica o tempo verbal da frase. Nas segundas, antes do verbo auxiliar, é acrescentada uma outra palavra, uma question word, como Where, What, When, Why, Who e Which. ​ SILVA, Marcelo José da. Língua Inglesa II. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2014. Reimpresso em 2019. ​ Com relação ao uso de question words, leia o texto a seguir, e avalie as assertivas abaixo: Millions give birth, very few die, but who are they and why? Out of almost 4.0 million births in the U.S. every year, fewer than one thousand women die. The number of deaths is not high compared to the number of births. But it is big enough to make experts ask who are the women who die and what are the reasons? What are “deaths related to pregnancy"? It means the deaths of women while they are pregnant, deaths of mothers while giving birth and deaths of mothers in the year after the baby is born. The most striking finding is not surprising. Black women have worse health outcomes than white women. Experts are clear. Things like obesity and hypertension are two big reasons for health problems. Experts link these causes to lower incomes, nutrition and health problems. Native Americans and Alaskan natives also have higher rates of death around pregnancy. It is somewhat of a surprise that Hispanic women have lower rates of death than white women. The United States does not have a good record. Maternal deaths have fallen across the world. Rates have gotten worse for American mothers. Health experts are looking for the reasons for the U.S. fatality rates. It is because the U.S. health care system is not doing its job. The system is not paying enough attention to new mothers after the baby is born. About half of the mothers ‘deaths take place in the year after the baby is born. Severe bleeding causes most of the deaths that occur during the delivery of the baby. Disorders linked to high blood pressure cause most of the deaths after the delivery of the baby. Heart problems and strokes are the two other big reasons for maternal post-delivery deaths. For black women, the danger period is from seven weeks to a year after the baby is born. It results from weakened heart muscles. A doctor said, “It can occur in all women, but it is more common among black women.” Another doctor said, “Health issues of pregnancy do not just end when the baby comes out. That has not gotten the attention it should.” The best advice from experts? Women should see someone within the first three weeks after giving birth. They should have a comprehensive medical visit no later than 12 weeks after giving birth. Disponível em: . Acesso em 17 de mai. 2019. (Adaptado). ​I - O trecho “Out of almost 4.0 million births in the U.S. every year, fewer than one thousand women die” responde à pergunta: “How many women die after giving birth in the world?” II - No trecho "What are "deaths related to pregnancy"?" o verbo “to be” encontra-se na posição de um verbo auxiliar, ao mesmo tempo em que se configura como o verbo principal da oração. III - No título do texto, “Millions give birth, very few die, but who are they and why?” a palavra “who” indaga sobre quem são as poucas das milhões de mulheres que dão à luz e morrem. A palavra “why” indaga sobre o porquê de essas mortes ocorrerem. IV - No trecho “The best advice from experts?” a pergunta omite alguns termos, dentre eles, o verbo, prática muito comum na redação de textos da esfera midiática e na construção de textos menos formais em língua inglesa. Uma possível reformulação da pergunta, de acordo com a norma padrão-culta, seria: “What is the best advice from experts?” Está correto o que se afirma em: Alternativas Alternativa 1: I e II, apenas. Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: I, II e III, apenas. Alternativa 4: II, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.


respondido por: johny4englishwork

A alternativa 4 é a correta.

Millions give birth, very few die, but who are they and why? Out of almost 4.0 million births in the U.S. every year, fewer than one thousand women die. The number of deaths is not high compared to the number of births. But it is big enough to make experts ask who are the women who die and what are the reasons? What are “deaths related to pregnancy"? It means the deaths of women while they are pregnant, deaths of mothers while giving birth and deaths of mothers in the year after the baby is born.

The most striking finding is not surprising. Black women have worse health outcomes than white women. Experts are clear. Things like obesity and hypertension are two big reasons for health problems. Experts link these causes to lower incomes, nutrition and health problems. Native Americans and Alaskan natives also have higher rates of death around pregnancy. It is somewhat of a surprise that Hispanic women have lower rates of death than white women.

The United States does not have a good record. Maternal deaths have fallen across the world. Rates have gotten worse for American mothers. Health experts are looking for the reasons for the U.S. fatality rates. It is because the U.S. health care system is not doing its job. The system is not paying enough attention to new mothers after the baby is born. About half of the mothers ‘deaths take place in the year after the baby is born. Severe bleeding causes most of the deaths that occur during the delivery of the baby. Disorders linked to high blood pressure cause most of the deaths after the delivery of the baby.

Heart problems and strokes are the two other big reasons for maternal post-delivery deaths. For black women, the danger period is from seven weeks to a year after the baby is born. It results from weakened heart muscles. A doctor said, “It can occur in all women, but it is more common among black women.” Another doctor said, “Health issues of pregnancy do not just end when the baby comes out. That has not gotten the attention it should.” The best advice from experts? Women should see someone within the first three weeks after giving birth. They should have a comprehensive medical visit no later than 12 weeks after giving birth.

                               Disponível em: . Acesso em 17 de mai. 2019. (Adaptado). ​

I - O trecho “Out of almost 4.0 million births in the U.S. every year, fewer than one thousand women die” responde à pergunta: “How many women die after giving birth in the world?”

incorreto : fewer than one thousand women die (menos de mil mulheres morrem) está incluindo as mortes durante o parte e antes do parto acontecer, e a pergunta é "How many women die AFTER giving birth in the world" (quantas mulheres no mundo morrem DEPOIS de dar a luz).

II - No trecho "What are "deaths related to pregnancy?" o verbo “to be” encontra-se na posição de um verbo auxiliar, ao mesmo tempo em que se configura como o verbo principal da oração.

Correto - deaths related to pregnancy faz o papel de um substantivo enquanto "are" funciona como verbo.

III - No título do texto, “Millions give birth, very few die, but who are they and why?” a palavra “who” indaga sobre quem são as poucas das milhões de mulheres que dão à luz e morrem. A palavra “why” indaga sobre o porquê de essas mortes ocorrerem.


IV - No trecho “The best advice from experts?” a pergunta omite alguns termos, dentre eles, o verbo, prática muito comum na redação de textos da esfera midiática e na construção de textos menos formais em língua inglesa. Uma possível reformulação da pergunta, de acordo com a norma padrão-culta, seria: “What is the best advice from experts?”


Está correto o que se afirma em: Alternativas

Alternativa 1: I e II, apenas.

Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas.

Alternativa 3: I, II e III, apenas.

Alternativa 4: II, III e IV, apenas.

Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.

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